dvb-sat: rename Astra 1E to Astra 19.2 E and move it to beginning

Message ID a5fc0e08339708a21a0d254ece4feab45421ce50.1543324451.git.mchehab+samsung@kernel.org (mailing list archive)
State Accepted, archived

Commit Message

Mauro Carvalho Chehab Nov. 27, 2018, 1:14 p.m. UTC
The "European Universal" LNBf was now replaced by the model with
also supports the Astra satellites in almost all EU. We're keeping
seeing people reporting problems on Kaffeine and other digital TV
software due to that.

So, in order to make easier for new people that just want to make
their Satellite-based TV to work in Europe, let's move the Astra
entry to be the first one and giving it a better name, as the
Astra 1E satellite was retired a long time ago, and, since 2008,
the satellites that replaced it are known as "Astra 19.2 E",
in order to reflect their orbital position.

Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab+samsung@kernel.org>
 lib/libdvbv5/dvb-sat.c | 36 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)


diff --git a/lib/libdvbv5/dvb-sat.c b/lib/libdvbv5/dvb-sat.c
index 8c04f66f973b..18e2359c053b 100644
--- a/lib/libdvbv5/dvb-sat.c
+++ b/lib/libdvbv5/dvb-sat.c
@@ -53,7 +53,24 @@  struct dvb_sat_lnb_priv {
 static const struct dvb_sat_lnb_priv lnb_array[] = {
 		.desc = {
-			.name = N_("Universal, Europe"),
+			.name = N_("Astra 19.2E, European Universal Ku (extended)"),
+			.alias = "EXTENDED",
+			// Legacy fields - kept just to avoid API/ABI breakages
+			.lowfreq = 9750,
+			.highfreq = 10600,
+			.rangeswitch = 11700,
+			.freqrange = {
+				{ 10700, 11700 },
+				{ 11700, 12750 },
+			},
+		},
+		.freqrange = {
+			{ 10700, 11700, 9750, 11700},
+			{ 11700, 12750, 10600, 0 },
+		}
+	}, {
+		.desc = {
+			.name = N_("Old European Universal. Nowadays mostly replaced by Astra 19.2E"),
 			.alias = "UNIVERSAL",
 			// Legacy fields - kept just to avoid API/ABI breakages
 			.lowfreq = 9750,
@@ -81,23 +98,6 @@  static const struct dvb_sat_lnb_priv lnb_array[] = {
 		.freqrange = {
 			{ 12200, 12700, 11250 }
-	}, {
-		.desc = {
-			.name = N_("Astra 1E, European Universal Ku (extended)"),
-			.alias = "EXTENDED",
-			// Legacy fields - kept just to avoid API/ABI breakages
-			.lowfreq = 9750,
-			.highfreq = 10600,
-			.rangeswitch = 11700,
-			.freqrange = {
-				{ 10700, 11700 },
-				{ 11700, 12750 },
-			},
-		},
-		.freqrange = {
-			{ 10700, 11700, 9750, 11700},
-			{ 11700, 12750, 10600, 0 },
-		}
 	}, {
 		.desc = {
 			.name = N_("Standard"),