[PATCH_RFC_v1,2/4] media: Add a common embeed struct for all media graph objects

Message ID 3e0cf7e0a2feed17220b7580df2419d073fe8098.1438687440.git.mchehab@osg.samsung.com (mailing list archive)
State RFC, archived

Commit Message

Mauro Carvalho Chehab Aug. 4, 2015, 11:41 a.m. UTC
Due to the MC API proposed changes, we'll need to:
	- have an unique object ID for all graph objects;
	- be able to dynamically create/remove objects;
	- be able to group objects;
	- keep the object in memory until we stop use it.

Due to that, create a struct media_graph_obj and put there the
common elements that all media objects will have in common.

Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@osg.samsung.com>


Hans Verkuil Aug. 4, 2015, 12:26 p.m. UTC | #1
On 08/04/2015 01:41 PM, Mauro Carvalho Chehab wrote:
> Due to the MC API proposed changes, we'll need to:
> 	- have an unique object ID for all graph objects;
> 	- be able to dynamically create/remove objects;
> 	- be able to group objects;
> 	- keep the object in memory until we stop use it.
> Due to that, create a struct media_graph_obj and put there the
> common elements that all media objects will have in common.
> Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@osg.samsung.com>
> diff --git a/include/media/media-entity.h b/include/media/media-entity.h
> index 0c003d817493..faead169fe32 100644
> --- a/include/media/media-entity.h
> +++ b/include/media/media-entity.h
> @@ -27,11 +27,54 @@
>  #include <linux/kernel.h>
>  #include <linux/list.h>
>  #include <linux/media.h>
> +#include <linux/kref.h>
> +
> +/* Enums used internally at the media controller to represent graphs */
> +
> +/**
> + * enum media_graph_type - type of a graph element
> + *
> + * @MEDIA_GRAPH_ENTITY:		Identify a media entity
> + * @MEDIA_GRAPH_PAD:		Identify a media PAD
> + * @MEDIA_GRAPH_LINK:		Identify a media link
> + */
> +enum media_graph_type {
> +};
> +
> +
> +/* Structs to represent the objects that belong to a media graph */
> +
> +/**
> + * struct media_graph_obj - Define a graph object.
> + *
> + * @list:		List of media graph objects
> + * @obj_id:		Non-zero object ID identifier. The ID should be unique
> + *			inside a media_device
> + * @type:		Type of the graph object
> + * @mdev:		Media device that contains the object
> + * @kref:		pointer to struct kref, used to avoid destroying the
> + *			object before stopping using it
> + *
> + * All elements on the media graph should have this struct embedded
> + */
> +struct media_graph_obj {
> +	struct list_head	list;
> +	struct list_head	group;
> +	u32			obj_id;
> +	enum media_graph_type	type;

I think that using the top 8 bits of the ID for the type and the lower 24 bits for
the ID is more efficient. I proposed this in my RFC.

The IDs are still unique, but you don't need to keep track of the type since that's
encoded in the ID. You'd need an array of MAX_TYPE atomics to get per-type unique IDs,
but that's trivial. It also avoid the need for a connector flag since that would be
a distinct type (although using the same media_entity struct).

This is not a blocker for me, but I'd like to hear what others think.

Otherwise this patch series looks OK.



> +	struct media_device	*mdev;
> +	struct kref		kref;
> +};
> +
>  struct media_pipeline {
>  };
>  struct media_link {
> +	struct media_graph_obj			graph_obj;
>  	struct media_pad *source;	/* Source pad */
>  	struct media_pad *sink;		/* Sink pad  */
>  	struct media_link *reverse;	/* Link in the reverse direction */
> @@ -39,6 +82,7 @@ struct media_link {
>  };
>  struct media_pad {
> +	struct media_graph_obj			graph_obj;
>  	struct media_entity *entity;	/* Entity this pad belongs to */
>  	u16 index;			/* Pad index in the entity pads array */
>  	unsigned long flags;		/* Pad flags (MEDIA_PAD_FL_*) */
> @@ -61,6 +105,7 @@ struct media_entity_operations {
>  };
>  struct media_entity {
> +	struct media_graph_obj			graph_obj;
>  	struct list_head list;
>  	struct media_device *parent;	/* Media device this entity belongs to*/
>  	u32 id;				/* Entity ID, unique in the parent media
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the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
More majordomo info at  http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
Mauro Carvalho Chehab Aug. 4, 2015, 1:26 p.m. UTC | #2
Em Tue, 04 Aug 2015 14:26:04 +0200
Hans Verkuil <hverkuil@xs4all.nl> escreveu:

> On 08/04/2015 01:41 PM, Mauro Carvalho Chehab wrote:
> > Due to the MC API proposed changes, we'll need to:
> > 	- have an unique object ID for all graph objects;
> > 	- be able to dynamically create/remove objects;
> > 	- be able to group objects;
> > 	- keep the object in memory until we stop use it.
> > 
> > Due to that, create a struct media_graph_obj and put there the
> > common elements that all media objects will have in common.
> > 
> > Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@osg.samsung.com>
> > 
> > diff --git a/include/media/media-entity.h b/include/media/media-entity.h
> > index 0c003d817493..faead169fe32 100644
> > --- a/include/media/media-entity.h
> > +++ b/include/media/media-entity.h
> > @@ -27,11 +27,54 @@
> >  #include <linux/kernel.h>
> >  #include <linux/list.h>
> >  #include <linux/media.h>
> > +#include <linux/kref.h>
> > +
> > +/* Enums used internally at the media controller to represent graphs */
> > +
> > +/**
> > + * enum media_graph_type - type of a graph element
> > + *
> > + * @MEDIA_GRAPH_ENTITY:		Identify a media entity
> > + * @MEDIA_GRAPH_PAD:		Identify a media PAD
> > + * @MEDIA_GRAPH_LINK:		Identify a media link
> > + */
> > +enum media_graph_type {
> > +};
> > +
> > +
> > +/* Structs to represent the objects that belong to a media graph */
> > +
> > +/**
> > + * struct media_graph_obj - Define a graph object.
> > + *
> > + * @list:		List of media graph objects
> > + * @obj_id:		Non-zero object ID identifier. The ID should be unique
> > + *			inside a media_device
> > + * @type:		Type of the graph object
> > + * @mdev:		Media device that contains the object
> > + * @kref:		pointer to struct kref, used to avoid destroying the
> > + *			object before stopping using it
> > + *
> > + * All elements on the media graph should have this struct embedded
> > + */
> > +struct media_graph_obj {
> > +	struct list_head	list;
> > +	struct list_head	group;
> > +	u32			obj_id;
> > +	enum media_graph_type	type;
> I think that using the top 8 bits of the ID for the type and the lower 24 bits for
> the ID is more efficient. I proposed this in my RFC.

Oh, somehow I missed it. I'll read and comment it in a few.
> The IDs are still unique, but you don't need to keep track of the type since that's
> encoded in the ID. You'd need an array of MAX_TYPE atomics to get per-type unique IDs,
> but that's trivial. 

That could be done, but I'm not sure about that. The code becomes a
little more complex. The interface will also be more complex. We're
already having enough complexity without that...

So, I would prefer to keep this in separate, at least for now. We
can latter change it (of course before finishing the final interface).
This is not a blocker to me, though.

Maybe, for now, I can add one define to get object type. This way, we can
easily replace the code latter to merge both ID and types into one u32. 
Something like:

#define obj_type(gobj)	((gobj)->type)

> It also avoid the need for a connector flag since that would be
> a distinct type (although using the same media_entity struct).

Well, this can be done anyway, no matter if we encap type/ID into a
single u32 or not.

For me, a connector entity makes sense. It also makes sense, at least
at Kernel level, to have more than one interface type, but I'll discuss
that latter on, when I add the devnode interface at a new patch series.

> This is not a blocker for me, but I'd like to hear what others think.
> Otherwise this patch series looks OK.

Thanks for review!
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the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
More majordomo info at  http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
Hans Verkuil Aug. 5, 2015, 11:27 a.m. UTC | #3
On 08/04/2015 03:26 PM, Mauro Carvalho Chehab wrote:
> Em Tue, 04 Aug 2015 14:26:04 +0200
> Hans Verkuil <hverkuil@xs4all.nl> escreveu:
>> On 08/04/2015 01:41 PM, Mauro Carvalho Chehab wrote:
>>> Due to the MC API proposed changes, we'll need to:
>>> 	- have an unique object ID for all graph objects;
>>> 	- be able to dynamically create/remove objects;
>>> 	- be able to group objects;
>>> 	- keep the object in memory until we stop use it.
>>> Due to that, create a struct media_graph_obj and put there the
>>> common elements that all media objects will have in common.
>>> Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@osg.samsung.com>
>>> diff --git a/include/media/media-entity.h b/include/media/media-entity.h
>>> index 0c003d817493..faead169fe32 100644
>>> --- a/include/media/media-entity.h
>>> +++ b/include/media/media-entity.h
>>> @@ -27,11 +27,54 @@
>>>  #include <linux/kernel.h>
>>>  #include <linux/list.h>
>>>  #include <linux/media.h>
>>> +#include <linux/kref.h>
>>> +
>>> +/* Enums used internally at the media controller to represent graphs */
>>> +
>>> +/**
>>> + * enum media_graph_type - type of a graph element
>>> + *
>>> + * @MEDIA_GRAPH_ENTITY:		Identify a media entity
>>> + * @MEDIA_GRAPH_PAD:		Identify a media PAD
>>> + * @MEDIA_GRAPH_LINK:		Identify a media link
>>> + */
>>> +enum media_graph_type {
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +/* Structs to represent the objects that belong to a media graph */
>>> +
>>> +/**
>>> + * struct media_graph_obj - Define a graph object.
>>> + *
>>> + * @list:		List of media graph objects
>>> + * @obj_id:		Non-zero object ID identifier. The ID should be unique
>>> + *			inside a media_device
>>> + * @type:		Type of the graph object
>>> + * @mdev:		Media device that contains the object
>>> + * @kref:		pointer to struct kref, used to avoid destroying the
>>> + *			object before stopping using it
>>> + *
>>> + * All elements on the media graph should have this struct embedded
>>> + */
>>> +struct media_graph_obj {
>>> +	struct list_head	list;
>>> +	struct list_head	group;
>>> +	u32			obj_id;
>>> +	enum media_graph_type	type;
>> I think that using the top 8 bits of the ID for the type and the lower 24 bits for
>> the ID is more efficient. I proposed this in my RFC.
> Oh, somehow I missed it. I'll read and comment it in a few.
>> The IDs are still unique, but you don't need to keep track of the type since that's
>> encoded in the ID. You'd need an array of MAX_TYPE atomics to get per-type unique IDs,
>> but that's trivial. 
> That could be done, but I'm not sure about that. The code becomes a
> little more complex. The interface will also be more complex. We're
> already having enough complexity without that...

I don't really see why it would be more complex, to be honest.

> So, I would prefer to keep this in separate, at least for now. We
> can latter change it (of course before finishing the final interface).
> This is not a blocker to me, though.

My main concern is that in the new media_link struct we currently have the
two object IDs that are linked, but both userspace and kernelspace needs to
know the type of those objects as well. By encoding the type in the ID this
is O(1) to retrieve. If you have to look it up it will be O(log N) where N
is the number of objects. I really would like to avoid that, esp. when we
get audio graphs with 4000 objects or more.

So I think it should either be encoded in the ID, or it should be a separate
type field in the media_link struct (I'm talking about the userspace API here).
Either is fine by me, although I have a preference for encoding it in the ID
since it is more compact.



> Maybe, for now, I can add one define to get object type. This way, we can
> easily replace the code latter to merge both ID and types into one u32. 
> Something like:
> #define obj_type(gobj)	((gobj)->type)
>> It also avoid the need for a connector flag since that would be
>> a distinct type (although using the same media_entity struct).
> Well, this can be done anyway, no matter if we encap type/ID into a
> single u32 or not.
> For me, a connector entity makes sense. It also makes sense, at least
> at Kernel level, to have more than one interface type, but I'll discuss
> that latter on, when I add the devnode interface at a new patch series.
>> This is not a blocker for me, but I'd like to hear what others think.
>> Otherwise this patch series looks OK.
> Thanks for review!
> Mauro
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the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
More majordomo info at  http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
Mauro Carvalho Chehab Aug. 5, 2015, 2:58 p.m. UTC | #4
Em Wed, 05 Aug 2015 13:27:03 +0200
Hans Verkuil <hverkuil@xs4all.nl> escreveu:

> On 08/04/2015 03:26 PM, Mauro Carvalho Chehab wrote:
> > Em Tue, 04 Aug 2015 14:26:04 +0200
> > Hans Verkuil <hverkuil@xs4all.nl> escreveu:
> > 
> >>
> >>
> >> On 08/04/2015 01:41 PM, Mauro Carvalho Chehab wrote:
> >>> Due to the MC API proposed changes, we'll need to:
> >>> 	- have an unique object ID for all graph objects;
> >>> 	- be able to dynamically create/remove objects;
> >>> 	- be able to group objects;
> >>> 	- keep the object in memory until we stop use it.
> >>>
> >>> Due to that, create a struct media_graph_obj and put there the
> >>> common elements that all media objects will have in common.
> >>>
> >>> Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@osg.samsung.com>
> >>>
> >>> diff --git a/include/media/media-entity.h b/include/media/media-entity.h
> >>> index 0c003d817493..faead169fe32 100644
> >>> --- a/include/media/media-entity.h
> >>> +++ b/include/media/media-entity.h
> >>> @@ -27,11 +27,54 @@
> >>>  #include <linux/kernel.h>
> >>>  #include <linux/list.h>
> >>>  #include <linux/media.h>
> >>> +#include <linux/kref.h>
> >>> +
> >>> +/* Enums used internally at the media controller to represent graphs */
> >>> +
> >>> +/**
> >>> + * enum media_graph_type - type of a graph element
> >>> + *
> >>> + * @MEDIA_GRAPH_ENTITY:		Identify a media entity
> >>> + * @MEDIA_GRAPH_PAD:		Identify a media PAD
> >>> + * @MEDIA_GRAPH_LINK:		Identify a media link
> >>> + */
> >>> +enum media_graph_type {
> >>> +};
> >>> +
> >>> +
> >>> +/* Structs to represent the objects that belong to a media graph */
> >>> +
> >>> +/**
> >>> + * struct media_graph_obj - Define a graph object.
> >>> + *
> >>> + * @list:		List of media graph objects
> >>> + * @obj_id:		Non-zero object ID identifier. The ID should be unique
> >>> + *			inside a media_device
> >>> + * @type:		Type of the graph object
> >>> + * @mdev:		Media device that contains the object
> >>> + * @kref:		pointer to struct kref, used to avoid destroying the
> >>> + *			object before stopping using it
> >>> + *
> >>> + * All elements on the media graph should have this struct embedded
> >>> + */
> >>> +struct media_graph_obj {
> >>> +	struct list_head	list;
> >>> +	struct list_head	group;
> >>> +	u32			obj_id;
> >>> +	enum media_graph_type	type;
> >>
> >> I think that using the top 8 bits of the ID for the type and the lower 24 bits for
> >> the ID is more efficient. I proposed this in my RFC.
> > 
> > Oh, somehow I missed it. I'll read and comment it in a few.
> >>
> >> The IDs are still unique, but you don't need to keep track of the type since that's
> >> encoded in the ID. You'd need an array of MAX_TYPE atomics to get per-type unique IDs,
> >> but that's trivial. 
> > 
> > That could be done, but I'm not sure about that. The code becomes a
> > little more complex. The interface will also be more complex. We're
> > already having enough complexity without that...
> I don't really see why it would be more complex, to be honest.

Instead of one monotonic counter, we'll need one per type. Plus, if
we consider a device that would be turned on by a long time and that
has lots of dynamic changes, the code will have to handle with
the possibility of a counter overflow, and will need to check if a
given object ID was used already or not. It would also need to have
a switch at the code that gets the object id, in order to use the
correct one, according with the object type.

I'm not saying we should not do it. Just saying that there are already
too many changes for us to spend more time on this ATM. 

Let's do such change at by the end, if we still find need for it.

> > So, I would prefer to keep this in separate, at least for now. We
> > can latter change it (of course before finishing the final interface).
> > This is not a blocker to me, though.
> My main concern is that in the new media_link struct we currently have the
> two object IDs that are linked, but both userspace and kernelspace needs to
> know the type of those objects as well. By encoding the type in the ID this
> is O(1) to retrieve. If you have to look it up it will be O(log N) where N
> is the number of objects. I really would like to avoid that, esp. when we
> get audio graphs with 4000 objects or more.

I'm not seeing O(log N), if we do:
	struct media_foo {
		u32 id;
		u32 type;

instead of:
	struct media_foo {
		u32 type_id;

The only bad effect is to spend an additional 32 bits per object. Ok, for
4000 objects, that would mean 4 pages (if PAGE_SIZE is 4096) that could be
otherwise be freed. We may end by doing that anyway to save those 4 pages,
but let's focus first on adding the functionality. Then, we can optimize

> So I think it should either be encoded in the ID, or it should be a separate
> type field in the media_link struct (I'm talking about the userspace API here).
> Either is fine by me, although I have a preference for encoding it in the ID
> since it is more compact.

Ah, you were thinking on just using:

	struct media_foo {
		u32 id;

Without any type. Yeah, this would be O(log N) for a binary search.
Userspace might optimize it further using hash tables, if they need
to handle graphs with 4000+ objects. Well, actually for 4000 objects,
that would mean 12 interactions on a binary search. Not enough to
justify a more complex model, and probably not enough to hurt badly
userspace if it needs to do it.

> Regards,
> 	Hans
> > 
> > Maybe, for now, I can add one define to get object type. This way, we can
> > easily replace the code latter to merge both ID and types into one u32. 
> > Something like:
> > 
> > #define obj_type(gobj)	((gobj)->type)
> > 
> >> It also avoid the need for a connector flag since that would be
> >> a distinct type (although using the same media_entity struct).
> > 
> > Well, this can be done anyway, no matter if we encap type/ID into a
> > single u32 or not.
> > 
> > For me, a connector entity makes sense. It also makes sense, at least
> > at Kernel level, to have more than one interface type, but I'll discuss
> > that latter on, when I add the devnode interface at a new patch series.
> > 
> >> This is not a blocker for me, but I'd like to hear what others think.
> >>
> >> Otherwise this patch series looks OK.
> > 
> > Thanks for review!
> > Mauro
> > 
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-media" in
the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
More majordomo info at  http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html


diff --git a/include/media/media-entity.h b/include/media/media-entity.h
index 0c003d817493..faead169fe32 100644
--- a/include/media/media-entity.h
+++ b/include/media/media-entity.h
@@ -27,11 +27,54 @@ 
 #include <linux/kernel.h>
 #include <linux/list.h>
 #include <linux/media.h>
+#include <linux/kref.h>
+/* Enums used internally at the media controller to represent graphs */
+ * enum media_graph_type - type of a graph element
+ *
+ * @MEDIA_GRAPH_ENTITY:		Identify a media entity
+ * @MEDIA_GRAPH_PAD:		Identify a media PAD
+ * @MEDIA_GRAPH_LINK:		Identify a media link
+ */
+enum media_graph_type {
+/* Structs to represent the objects that belong to a media graph */
+ * struct media_graph_obj - Define a graph object.
+ *
+ * @list:		List of media graph objects
+ * @obj_id:		Non-zero object ID identifier. The ID should be unique
+ *			inside a media_device
+ * @type:		Type of the graph object
+ * @mdev:		Media device that contains the object
+ * @kref:		pointer to struct kref, used to avoid destroying the
+ *			object before stopping using it
+ *
+ * All elements on the media graph should have this struct embedded
+ */
+struct media_graph_obj {
+	struct list_head	list;
+	struct list_head	group;
+	u32			obj_id;
+	enum media_graph_type	type;
+	struct media_device	*mdev;
+	struct kref		kref;
 struct media_pipeline {
 struct media_link {
+	struct media_graph_obj			graph_obj;
 	struct media_pad *source;	/* Source pad */
 	struct media_pad *sink;		/* Sink pad  */
 	struct media_link *reverse;	/* Link in the reverse direction */
@@ -39,6 +82,7 @@  struct media_link {
 struct media_pad {
+	struct media_graph_obj			graph_obj;
 	struct media_entity *entity;	/* Entity this pad belongs to */
 	u16 index;			/* Pad index in the entity pads array */
 	unsigned long flags;		/* Pad flags (MEDIA_PAD_FL_*) */
@@ -61,6 +105,7 @@  struct media_entity_operations {
 struct media_entity {
+	struct media_graph_obj			graph_obj;
 	struct list_head list;
 	struct media_device *parent;	/* Media device this entity belongs to*/
 	u32 id;				/* Entity ID, unique in the parent media