[skinenigmang] rounds to squares corners & jpeg logos for skinenigmang-0.1.0

Message ID ed9fa2110908261208x3b4f89e1h7201fb506d6f484@mail.gmail.com
State New

Commit Message

jlacvdr Aug. 26, 2009, 7:08 p.m. UTC

This is an additional patch for huge osd (hd device) :
 - change the logo size, now proportional to the osd font height.
 - change the symbol line height, now proportional to the osd font height.



2009/5/2 jlacvdr <jlacvdr@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> attached file: skinenigmang-0.1.0-jlac-corners-090502.diff
> - change rounds corners to squares corners.
> attached file: skinenigmang-0.1.0-jlac-logos-090502.diff
> - replace xpm format by logos in 256colors and jpeg
> - simplify the logo filenames on disk: at runtine make it lower case,
> without space, without underscore.... so avoid many times the same
> logo file (or symbolic link) on the disk
> - add a svdr command to check the name logos
> - theme added (grey/white/black)
> Regards,
> JLac


diff -bBurN skinenigmang-0.1.0/enigma.c skinenigmang-0.1.0-hdosd/enigma.c
--- skinenigmang-0.1.0/enigma.c	2009-08-25 21:10:00.000000000 +0200
+++ skinenigmang-0.1.0-hdosd/enigma.c	2009-08-25 21:18:00.000000000 +0200
@@ -794,11 +794,14 @@ 
     osd->DrawRectangle(0, 0, osd->Width(), osd->Height(), clrTransparent);
     if (fShowLogo) {
+      int logoWidth = (xLogoRight - xLogoLeft);
+      int logoHeight = (yLogoBottom - yLogoTop); 
       // draw logo area
       osd->DrawRectangle(xLogoLeft, yLogoTop, xLogoRight - 1, yLogoBottom - 1, Theme.Color(clrLogoBg));
       osd->DrawRectangle(xLogoDecoLeft, yLogoTop, xLogoDecoRight - 1, yLogoBottom - 1, Theme.Color(clrLogoBg));
-      if (EnigmaLogoCache.LoadChannelLogo(Channel)) {
+      if (EnigmaLogoCache.LoadChannelLogo(Channel,logoWidth,logoHeight)) {
         int lw = EnigmaLogoCache.Get().Width();
         int lh = EnigmaLogoCache.Get().Height();
         osd->DrawBitmap(xLogoLeft + (xLogoRight - xLogoLeft - lw) / 2,
diff -bBurN skinenigmang-0.1.0/logo.c skinenigmang-0.1.0-hdosd/logo.c
--- skinenigmang-0.1.0/logo.c	2009-08-25 21:10:00.000000000 +0200
+++ skinenigmang-0.1.0-hdosd/logo.c	2009-08-25 21:18:00.000000000 +0200
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ 
     *name = 0;
-bool cEnigmaLogoCache::LoadChannelLogo(const cChannel *Channel)
+bool cEnigmaLogoCache::LoadChannelLogo(const cChannel *Channel, int w, int h)
   if (Channel == NULL)
     return false;
@@ -128,12 +128,12 @@ 
     if (filename != NULL) {
   strcpy(filename, "hqlogos/");
       strcat(filename, logoname);
-  if (!(fFoundLogo = Load(filename, ChannelLogoWidth, ChannelLogoHeight, false))) {
+  if (!(fFoundLogo = Load(filename, w, h, false))) {
     strcpy(filename, "logos/");
         strcat(filename, logoname);
-    if (!(fFoundLogo = Load(filename, ChannelLogoWidth, ChannelLogoHeight, false))) {
+    if (!(fFoundLogo = Load(filename, w, h, false))) {
           error("cPluginSkinEnigma::LoadChannelLogo: LOGO \"%s.jpg\" NOT FOUND in %s/[hq]logos", logoname, EnigmaConfig.GetLogoDir());
-      fFoundLogo = Load("hqlogos/no_logo", ChannelLogoWidth, ChannelLogoHeight); //TODO? different default logo for channel/group?
+      fFoundLogo = Load("hqlogos/no_logo", w, h); //TODO? different default logo for channel/group?
@@ -226,14 +226,14 @@ 
     return false;
   struct stat stbuf;
-  cBitmap *bmp = new cBitmap(1, 1, 8);
+  cBitmap *bmp = new cBitmap(w, h, 8);
   // create absolute filename
   debug("cPluginSkinEnigma::LoadJpg(%s)", fileNameP);
   // check validity
   if(lstat(fileNameP, &stbuf) == 0)
-      DrawImage(fileNameP,0,0,80,80,230,bmp);
+      DrawImage(fileNameP,0,0,w,h,230,bmp);
     if ((bmp->Width() <= w) && (bmp->Height() <= h)) {
       int numColors;
diff -bBurN skinenigmang-0.1.0/logo.h skinenigmang-0.1.0-hdosd/logo.h
--- skinenigmang-0.1.0/logo.h	2009-08-25 21:10:00.000000000 +0200
+++ skinenigmang-0.1.0-hdosd/logo.h	2009-08-25 21:18:00.000000000 +0200
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ 
   bool Resize(unsigned int cacheSizeP);
   bool DrawEventImage(const cEvent *Event, int x, int y, int w, int h, int c, cBitmap *bmp);
   bool DrawRecordingImage(const cRecording *Recording, int x, int y, int w, int h, int c, cBitmap *bmp);
-  bool LoadChannelLogo(const cChannel *Channel);
+  bool LoadChannelLogo(const cChannel *Channel, int w, int h);
   bool LoadSymbol(const char *fileNameP);
   bool LoadIcon(const char *fileNameP);
   cBitmap& Get(void);