[ANNOUNCE] vdr-epgsearch-0.9.7

Message ID 4DABDDCE8F%linux@youmustbejoking.demon.co.uk
State New

Commit Message

Darren Salt Sept. 17, 2005, 3:20 p.m. UTC
  I demand that cwieninger@gmx.de may or may not have written...

> here's a new release of the epgsearch plugin. A bit early this time, but
> there were two bugs, that had to be fixed.

> You can find it here:

> http://people.freenet.de/cwieninger/html/vdr-epg-search__english_.html

There's a bug in the schedule display wrt channel selection via the green and
yellow buttons if the currently displayed channel doesn't have any EPG data:
it's impossible to use the buttons to select either the previous and/or next
channel (there's a dependency on how you accessed the schedule for that

Here, E4+1 has no EPG data and will trigger this bug.


Christian Wieninger Sept. 18, 2005, 11:16 a.m. UTC | #1

thanks for your bug report and patch. Will be part of the next release.




--- vdr-epgsearch-0.9.7/menu_main.c~	2005-09-17 16:33:26.000000000 +0100
+++ vdr-epgsearch-0.9.7/menu_main.c	2005-09-17 16:33:26.000000000 +0100
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ 
     if (schedules) {
 	const cSchedule *Schedule = schedules->GetSchedule(Channel->GetChannelID());
+	currentChannel = Channel->Number();
 	if (Schedule) 
-	    currentChannel = Channel->Number();
 	    const cEvent *PresentEvent = Schedule->GetPresentEvent(currentChannel == cDevice::CurrentChannel());
 	    time_t now;
 	    if (shiftTime == 0)