epg2timers TVTV access

Message ID 4901A030.5060904@mannitec.de
State New

Commit Message

Manfred Schmidt-Voigt Oct. 24, 2008, 10:15 a.m. UTC
  Hi all,

I don't know, how many are using this script but I still like it.

But TVTV is not that reliable as in former times before the facelift of 
the site. Sometimes the server is not reachable, sometimes the content 
is not available or only for the next days. But if you can get the 
information it realy good.

But in the last days I couldn't get my "Merkliste" from the TVTV Server. 
The reason seems to bee that they have changed again something in there 
webserver directory structure.

I have now created a small patch (see attachement) to the 
epg2timer_1.5.2a which reflects theses changes. Maybe it could help out 
also other frustrated users.


... it's only VDR (But I like it)   (Stones???) ...


Brian Oct. 24, 2008, 3:46 p.m. UTC | #1
Manfred Schmidt-Voigt wrote:
> Hi all,
> I don't know, how many are using this script but I still like it.
> But TVTV is not that reliable as in former times before the facelift of 
> the site. Sometimes the server is not reachable, sometimes the content 
> is not available or only for the next days. But if you can get the 
> information it realy good.
> But in the last days I couldn't get my "Merkliste" from the TVTV Server. 
> The reason seems to bee that they have changed again something in there 
> webserver directory structure.
> I have now created a small patch (see attachement) to the 
> epg2timer_1.5.2a which reflects theses changes. Maybe it could help out 
> also other frustrated users.
> regards
> Manfred
> ... it's only VDR (But I like it)   (Stones???) ...
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> vdr mailing list
> vdr@linuxtv.org
> http://www.linuxtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/vdr
a bit OT but I agree with you and I cancelled my subscription since then. I saw
all the problems you saw, but the worst ones that hit me were the search function.
I had numerous things that sometimes worked, other times not. Worked when I was not
logged on, but no longer worked when I did log on (which is pretty bad if you want
to add to your merklist). I tried all settings, tried their technical support, all to
no avail.

I was perfectly happy with epg2timers though.

Any tips as to a good alternative site, especially for English channels?

Cheers Brian


diff -NaurwB epg2timers_1.5.2a/epg2timers.cxx epg2timers_1.5.2a_with_tvtvpatch/epg2timers.cxx
--- epg2timers_1.5.2a/epg2timers.cxx	2008-06-16 22:04:19.000000000 +0200
+++ epg2timers_1.5.2a_with_tvtvpatch/epg2timers.cxx	2008-10-24 11:46:21.000000000 +0200
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ 
 static const char date_line[]       = "\t\t\t\t<TD id=\"date-box\" class=\"fb-w13\" WIDTH=558 HEIGHT=23> &nbsp;";
 static const char start_time_line[] = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<TD id=\"pitime-box\" WIDTH=52>";
 static const char stop_time_line[]  = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<TD class=\"fn-x8\" id=\"pitimebis-box\" WIDTH=52>bis ";
-static const char channel_line[]    = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<TD id=\"pisicon-box\" WIDTH=40><img src=\'http://tvtv.de:80/tvtv/resource?channelLogo=";
+static const char channel_line[]    = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<TD id=\"pisicon-box\" WIDTH=40><img src=\'http://www.tvtv.de:80/tvtv/resource?channelLogo=";
 static const char title_line[]      = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"web/programdetails.vm?programmeId=";
 static const char summary_line[]    = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<TD WIDTH=558 id=\"pitext-box\">";
 static const char subtitle_line[]   = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<TD class=\"fn-x9\" id=\"pisubtitle-box\"";
diff -NaurwB epg2timers_1.5.2a/update_timers epg2timers_1.5.2a_with_tvtvpatch/update_timers
--- epg2timers_1.5.2a/update_timers	2008-06-15 20:10:23.000000000 +0200
+++ epg2timers_1.5.2a_with_tvtvpatch/update_timers	2008-10-24 11:44:59.000000000 +0200
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ 
 cd /tmp
 rm -f merkliste.html timers.new
 date >> $LOG
-wget -q --post-data "login=true&loginName=$USER&loginPassword=$PASS" "http://tvtv.de/tvtv/mytvtv/index.vm?mainTemplate=web/joblist.vm&jl_format=2&jl_view=1&jl_images=1&jl_timeline=1&jl_controls=1&lang=de" -O merkliste.html >> $LOG
+wget -q --post-data "login=true&loginName=$USER&loginPassword=$PASS" "http://www.tvtv.de:80/tvtv/index.vm?mainTemplate=web/joblist.vm&jl_format=3&jl_view=1&jl_images=1&jl_timeline=1&jl_controls=1&lang=de" -O 
 if [ -s $MERKLISTE ] ; then
 # convert merkliste.html to timers.conf format.