Watching old recordings with DVB subtitles with 1.6.0

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Anssi Hannula May 4, 2008, 3:41 p.m. UTC
  Petri Helin wrote:
> Rolf Ahrenberg wrote:
>> On Sat, 12 Apr 2008, Ville Skyttä wrote:
>>> After figuring out how to access the subtitles menu (my remote.conf was from
>>> 1.4.x series so there was no button binding for it), yes, I do see an entry
>>> named "57" there.  Selecting it gives me the Finnish subtitles I was looking
>>> for.  Thanks for the tip.
>> You could also map "57" to "fin" in info.vdr of all those old recordings 
>> and afterwards VDR automatically selects subtitles according to 
>> preferred languages.
> Is "57" dependent on the in subtitling language, or is it constant for 
> all old recordings?

It is constant. 57 is for the first subtitle track, 58 for the second.

> If it is constant, could VDR be patched easily to 
> select  "57" in case preferred subtitles are not found?

Yes. Patch attached.


Index: vdr-1.6.0-57/device.c
--- vdr-1.6.0-57/device.c
+++ vdr-1.6.0-57/device.c	2008-05-04 18:33:18.000000000 +0300
@@ -1100,7 +1100,9 @@ 
      int LanguagePreference = INT_MAX; // higher than the maximum possible value
      for (int i = ttSubtitleFirst; i <= ttSubtitleLast; i++) {
          const tTrackId *TrackId = GetTrack(eTrackType(i));
-         if (TrackId && TrackId->id && I18nIsPreferredLanguage(Setup.SubtitleLanguages, TrackId->language, LanguagePreference))
+         // Fall back to languageless ttSubtitleFirst+8 track created by old subtitles patch if present
+         if (TrackId && TrackId->id && (I18nIsPreferredLanguage(Setup.SubtitleLanguages, TrackId->language, LanguagePreference)
+             || ((i == ttSubtitleFirst + 8) && !(*TrackId->language) && LanguagePreference == INT_MAX)))
             PreferredTrack = eTrackType(i);
      // Make sure we're set to an available subtitle track: