VDRAdmin-AM-3.4.6 utf8 automatically generated

Message ID 44BABF37.6090002@users.sourceforge.net
State New

Commit Message

Lucian Muresan July 16, 2006, 10:35 p.m. UTC

I've done an updated patch for UTF-8 support in VDRAdmin-AM. The
"make.sh" script now can generate utf8-versions of all existing locales,
just issue "make.sh utf8add", and then compile all locales with "make.sh
po". Then, you can configure a utf8-locale if it's supported on your system.

Have phun,

P.S. The other patch is for the current gentoo ebuild, for those
gentoo-ers who can't wait until hd_brummy provides a new one.


--- vdradmin-am-3.4.6.ebuild	2006-07-14 17:16:36.000000000 +0200
+++ vdradmin-am-3.4.6-r1.ebuild	2006-07-16 17:39:36.000000000 +0200
@@ -31,11 +31,14 @@ 
 	unpack ${A}
 	cd ${S}
+	epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}_utf8.diff
 src_compile() {
-	einfo "no need to compile"
+	einfo "additionally generating utf8 locales"
+	${S}/make.sh utf8add || die
+	${S}/make.sh po || die
 src_install() {