vdr-1.4.1: bug report and fix: ReadLink with relative targets

Message ID 448C9538.2030500@errror.org
State New

Commit Message

Patrick Cernko June 11, 2006, 10:12 p.m. UTC
  Hi Klaus, hi list,

today I discovered that the ReadLink function (used in e.g. cSafeFile)
does not handle relative links correctly. I used a symlinked
channels.conf like that:

errror@ds9:/var/lib/vdr> ll channels.conf
lrwxrwxrwx  1 errror vdr 20 2006-06-12 00:03 channels.conf ->

but vdr tried to write to channels.conf.$$$ in its current working
directory ("/") which failed. :-(

The bug is caused by the ReadLink function which always took the
unchanged value of the found link as target (without prepending the
links path for relative links).

As a fix, I added a check for relative links (== not starting with a
'/') and prepend the directory of the symlink. For that purpose I use
some small parts from the coreutils "dirname" program as I learned for a
long time that doing something so easy as computing the directory part
of a path can lead to several errors if not done right. :-)

Appended you find the patch, which makes vdr handle relative symlinks

@Klaus: Feel free to review/reduce the code but pay attention to the
special cases! ;-)

So long,


--- vdr-1.4.1.orig/tools.c
+++ vdr-1.4.1/tools.c
@@ -478,6 +478,99 @@ 
   return -1;
+// BEGIN: taken from coreutils-5.2.1: dir_name() & base_name() functions and helpers
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+# define FILESYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN(Filename) \
+  ((Filename)[0] && (Filename)[1] == ':' ? 2 : 0)
+# define FILESYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN(Filename) 0
+# define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/' || (C) == '\\')
+# define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/')
+/* In general, we can't use the builtin `basename' function if available,
+   since it has different meanings in different environments.
+   In some environments the builtin `basename' modifies its argument.
+   Return the address of the last file name component of NAME.  If
+   NAME has no file name components because it is all slashes, return
+   NAME if it is empty, the address of its last slash otherwise.  */
+char *
+base_name (char const *name)
+  char const *base = name + FILESYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN (name);
+  char const *p;
+  for (p = base; *p; p++)
+    {
+      if (ISSLASH (*p))
+        {
+          /* Treat multiple adjacent slashes like a single slash.  */
+          do p++;
+          while (ISSLASH (*p));
+          /* If the file name ends in slash, use the trailing slash as
+             the basename if no non-slashes have been found.  */
+          if (! *p)
+            {
+              if (ISSLASH (*base))
+                base = p - 1;
+              break;
+            }
+          /* *P is a non-slash preceded by a slash.  */
+          base = p;
+        }
+    }
+  return (char *) base;
+/* Return the length of `dirname (PATH)', or zero if PATH is
+   in the working directory.  Works properly even if
+   there are trailing slashes (by effectively ignoring them).  */
+dir_len (char const *path)
+  size_t prefix_length = FILESYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN (path);
+  size_t length;
+  /* Strip the basename and any redundant slashes before it.  */
+  for (length = base_name (path) - path;  prefix_length < length;  length--)
+    if (! ISSLASH (path[length - 1]))
+      return length;
+  /* But don't strip the only slash from "/".  */
+  return prefix_length + ISSLASH (path[prefix_length]);
+/* Return the leading directories part of PATH,
+   allocated with xmalloc.
+   Works properly even if there are trailing slashes
+   (by effectively ignoring them).  */
+char *
+dir_name (char const *path)
+  size_t length = dir_len (path);
+  int append_dot = (length == FILESYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN (path));
+  char *newpath = (char*) malloc (length + append_dot + 1);
+  memcpy (newpath, path, length);
+  if (append_dot)
+    newpath[length++] = '.';
+  newpath[length] = 0;
+  return newpath;
+// END: taken from coreutils-5.2.1
 char *ReadLink(const char *FileName)
   char RealName[PATH_MAX];
@@ -489,7 +582,20 @@ 
      else // some other error occurred
-  else if (n < int(sizeof(RealName))) { // got it!
+  else
+    if (RealName[0] != '/') { // relative symlink, we must prepend the path of FileName
+      char* dirname = dir_name(FileName);
+      size_t dirnamelen = strlen(dirname);
+      char linkval[n+1];
+      memcpy(linkval, RealName, n);
+      memcpy(RealName, dirname, dirnamelen);   // first prepend the path of FileName
+      RealName[dirnamelen] = '/';
+      memcpy(RealName+dirnamelen+1, linkval, n); // append the gotten n bytes from the link value
+      n += 1 + dirnamelen;
+      free(dirname);
+      free(linkval);
+    }
+  if (n < int(sizeof(RealName))) { // got it!
      RealName[n] = 0;
      TargetName = RealName;