Load plugins based on VDRVERSION and APIVERSION alternatively

Message ID 444AC3AD.3040702@gmx.de
State New

Commit Message

Udo Richter April 23, 2006, midnight UTC
  Udo Richter wrote:
> We'll see how much chaos will arise when VDRVERSION and APIVERSION 
> differ the first time. Hopefully, most plugins will soon be updated.

The attached patch issues a warning on all plugins that seem to use the 
old libvdr-$(PLUGIN).so.$(VDRVERSION) naming scheme. This gives a hint 
about plugins that did compile, but will not be installed or loaded.




--- vdr-1.3.47-orig/Makefile	2006-04-17 19:06:55.000000000 +0200
+++ vdr-1.3.47/Makefile	2006-04-23 01:47:25.682090656 +0200
@@ -178,6 +178,9 @@ 
 	for i in `ls $(PLUGINDIR)/src | grep -v '[^a-z0-9]'`; do\
 	    echo "Plugin $$i:";\
+	    if grep -q "\$$(LIBDIR)/.*\$$(VDRVERSION)" "$(PLUGINDIR)/src/$$i/Makefile" ; then \
+	        echo "Warning: Plugin $$i doesn't honor APIVERSION";\
+	    fi;\
 	    $(MAKE) -C "$(PLUGINDIR)/src/$$i" all || failed="$$failed $$i";\
 	if [ -n "$$failed" ] ; then echo; echo "*** failed plugins:$$failed"; echo; fi