[ANNOUNCE] vdr-xine-0.7.9 plugin

Message ID 44442136.7020408@syphir.sytes.net
State New

Commit Message

C.Y.M April 17, 2006, 11:13 p.m. UTC
> With the previous release "0.7.8", the OSD on my television was much larger.  I
> have the OSD set to:
> xine.osdMode = osdBlendScaledAuto
> The resolution of my tv is set to 720x480.  It just appears to me that the OSD
> seems much smaller with this new release.  If i go back to 0.7.8, the OSD is
> back to normal size, using the same "xine.osdMode".  Any ideas why?

I forgot to change the default resolution in xine to NTSC.  If you are using
NTSC with xine, i highly suggest using this patch.  It will make the OSD fill
the screen in osdBlendScaledAutio mode and the fonts will look much better.  In
fact, I suggest changing this resolution to whatever your tv is set to.  Then
select the "Auto" mode for OSD.  It will make a huge difference when viewing the



--- xine-0.7.9/xineLib.c.orig	2006-04-17 09:36:42.000000000 -0700
+++ xine-0.7.9/xineLib.c	2006-04-17 15:00:44.000000000 -0700
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ 
 #define STD_VIDEO_WIDTH  720
-#define STD_VIDEO_HEIGHT 576  
+#define STD_VIDEO_HEIGHT 480  
   bool cXineLib::execFuncOsdNew(const eNeedsScaling needsScaling, const int videoLeft, const int videoTop, const int videoWidth, const int videoHeight, int window, int x, int y, int width, int height)