1.3.26 and streamdev-server

Message ID 42E2249E.9060305@syphir.sytes.net
State New

Commit Message

C.Y.M July 23, 2005, 11:06 a.m. UTC
  Harald Milz wrote:
> Klaus Schmidinger <Klaus.Schmidinger@cadsoft.de> wrote:
>>- Removed the NPTL check at startup, since several users have reported that VDR
>>   now runs fine with NPTL.
> Could anyone give some insight on which kernel/glibc/other libs combo they
> are running? 
> osdpip-0.0.8 w/ streamdev-cvs works fine with 1.3.26 ... 

You should consider testing the heavily patched streamdev-0.3.3-pre3-geni
maintained by Peter Weber.


This version above, along with this change works perfectly with vdr-1.3.27:

The last time I tested cvs of streamdev, the internal demuxer was broken
(although it may be fixed by now).  IIRC, streamdev (cvs) has moved away from
the use of the internal demuxer and piped it to an external one which does not
work as well.


"If you give someone a program, you will frustrate them for a day; if you teach
them how to program, you will frustrate them for a lifetime"


Harald Milz July 23, 2005, 4:38 p.m. UTC | #1
C.Y.M <syphir@syphir.sytes.net> wrote:

> You should consider testing the heavily patched streamdev-0.3.3-pre3-geni
> maintained by Peter Weber.

So - just another streamdev? The "official" version by Sascha which seems
to have been abandoned, the cvs version by whom? And the one by Peter
Weber? Is there also somebody who really feels _responsible_ for streamdev?
Sascha Volkenandt July 24, 2005, 1:47 p.m. UTC | #2
On Saturday 23 July 2005 18:38, Harald Milz wrote:
> So - just another streamdev? The "official" version by Sascha which seems
> to have been abandoned, the cvs version by whom? And the one by Peter
> Weber? Is there also somebody who really feels _responsible_ for streamdev?

The CVS is maintained by me :-):-)

I'm sorry I don't have enough time currently to maintain everything as it 
should be, but... I'm still just one man. The current status of CVS is as 

Should work with 1.3.27,  external remuxers are possible (Remux Type "Extern", 
script /root/externremux.sh, must read TS from stdin and output anything to 
stdout), the client menu (modifying server timers from a client et al) is 
completely deactivated (as there have been too many changes to such code in 
the core of 1.3.x) and there is one known problem when switching channels 
from a client.

I'll get to all of this, and I already have some untested code that's not 
checked-in yet, but currently I'm afraid I just don't have enough time :-(.



--- streamdev/server/connectionVTP.c.orig       2005-05-29 12:20:40.000000000 -0700
+++ streamdev/server/connectionVTP.c    2005-05-29 12:25:30.000000000 -0700
@@ -369,8 +369,8 @@ 
      if (isnumber(Option)) {
         cRecording *recording = Recordings.Get(strtol(Option, NULL, 10) - 1);
         if (recording) {
-           if (recording->Summary()) {
-              char *summary = strdup(recording->Summary());
+           if (recording->Info()->Description()) {
+              char *summary = strdup(recording->Info()->Description());
               Reply(250, "%s", strreplace(summary,'\n','|'));