Re: [PATCH] Enigma-0.2 Skin for text2skin 1.0

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Luca Olivetti April 18, 2005, 12:57 p.m. UTC
  Luca Olivetti wrote:

> BTW, I don't know if it's a text2skin problem or an Enigma one solved in 
> 0.2, but I get no icons[*] for the plugins in the main menu if they're 
> not in the position 1..9 (e.g, if there isn't a number the vdr-logo is 
> shown instead of the plugin logo, if I change the ordering to put a 
> plugin in position 1..9 I can see its logo).

The problem is corrected by the attached patch.



--- render.c.orig	2005-04-18 14:52:23.514081534 +0200
+++ render.c	2005-04-18 14:52:44.115775906 +0200
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ 
 				if (n != 0)
 					res = skipspace(end);
-					res = ptr;
+					res = skipspace(ptr);
 				Dprintf("MenuCurrent result: |%s|\n", res.String().c_str());
 			else if (Token.Type == tMenuTitle) {