EPG lost after restarting vdr

Message ID 20150424204625.2e003cae@zz
State New

Commit Message

Infonux April 24, 2015, 6:46 p.m. UTC
  Le vendredi 24 avril 2015
Klaus Schmidinger <Klaus.Schmidinger@tvdr.de> a écrit:

> On 24.04.2015 18:39, Zouhair wrote:
> > Le vendredi 24 avril 2015
> > Klaus Schmidinger <Klaus.Schmidinger@tvdr.de> a écrit:
> >
> >> On 24.04.2015 16:12, Zouhair wrote:
> >>> Le vendredi 24 avril 2015
> >>> Klaus Schmidinger <Klaus.Schmidinger@tvdr.de> a écrit:
> >>>
> >>>> On 24.04.2015 13:43, Zouhair wrote:
> >>>>> Hi,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> how to make vdr save epg data ?
> >>>>> I use xmltv2vdr to retrieve epg database, so is need about 5
> >>>>> minutes to put in to vdr. Should always run xmltv2vdr after
> >>>>> restarting vdr ?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> the epg.data is configured to be stored in /home/.config/vdr/
> >>>>> with right permission, but no file created :(
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Here cmd line:
> >>>>> /usr/bin/vdr -v /home/Video -c /home/.config/vdr -L /usr/lib/vdr
> >>>>> -r /usr/lib/vdr/vdr-recordingaction -s
> >>>>> -E /home/.config/vdr/epg.data ...
> >>>>>
> >>>>> there may be a setup that I ignored ?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thanks.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> using:
> >>>>> vdr version 2.2.0 (compiled from source without any patch)
> >>>>> debian jessie i386
> >>>>> linux 3.19.0
> >>>>
> >>>> VDR saves the epg.data only every 10 minutes. Maybe you're not
> >>>> waiting long enough?
> >>>>
> >>>> Klaus
> >>>
> >>> after 10 hours, no file (epg.data) created.
> >>
> >> I just saw that there is an option '-s' without an argument in your
> >> command line. Try leaving that one out, or provide an actual script
> >> file name.
> >
> > i am using debian vdr script's from 1.7.x ...
> >
> > here full cmd line's:
> >
> > /bin/sh /usr/sbin/runvdr -v /home/Video -c /home/.config/vdr
> > -L /usr/lib/vdr -r /usr/lib/vdr/vdr-recordingaction -s
> The '-s' at teh end of the above line is wrong. You need to either
> strip it, or put a script file name after it.
> > -E /home/.config/vdr/epg.data -u media -g /tmp --port 6419 --vfat
> > -w 60 --lirc -P streamdev-server -P "xineliboutput --local=none
> > --primary --remote=:37890" -P dvbsddevice -P epgtableid0 -P femon
> > -P iptv -P dvbhddevice -P wirbelscan -P xvdr -P dvbapi -P
> > streamdev-client -P vnsiserver
> >
> > /usr/bin/vdr -v /home/Video -c /home/.config/vdr -L /usr/lib/vdr
> > -r /usr/lib/vdr/vdr-recordingaction -s
> > -E /home/.config/vdr/epg.data -u
> Same as above.
> > media -g /tmp --port 6419 --vfat -w 60 --lirc -P streamdev-server -P
> > xineliboutput --local=none --primary --remote=:37890 -P dvbsddevice
> > -P epgtableid0 -P femon -P iptv -P dvbhddevice -P wirbelscan -P
> > xvdr -P dvbapi -P streamdev-client -P vnsiserver
> Klaus

hmm! is bug on debian script.
Sorry for my stupid mistake.

fix patch attched (for debian users)

with this fix, "-s" used only if shutdown is enabled
in /etc/default/vdr (ENABLE_SHUTDOWN=1)



--- /etc/init.d/vdr_debian_init_epg_bug	2015-04-24 20:21:39.255285110 +0200
+++ /etc/init.d/vdr	2015-04-24 20:19:11.761530562 +0200
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ 
 . /usr/lib/vdr/config-loader.sh
 # Set shutdown command
-test "$ENABLE_SHUTDOWN" = "1" && VDRSHUTDOWN="/usr/lib/vdr/vdr-shutdown.wrapper" \
+test "$ENABLE_SHUTDOWN" = "1" && VDRSHUTDOWN="-s /usr/lib/vdr/vdr-shutdown.wrapper" \
                               || VDRSHUTDOWN=""
 . /usr/lib/vdr/plugin-loader.sh
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ 
             start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --startas $DAEMON --background -d /tmp \
                 --name $(basename $DAEMON) --pidfile $PIDFILE --make-pidfile -- \
                 -v $VIDEO_DIR -c $CFG_DIR -L $PLUGIN_DIR -r $REC_CMD \
-                -s $VDRSHUTDOWN -E $EPG_FILE -u $USER -g /tmp \
+                $VDRSHUTDOWN -E $EPG_FILE -u $USER -g /tmp \
             echo -n " - seems to be running already"