change make install to be really useful

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Matthias Schwarzott Aug. 15, 2007, 10:57 a.m. UTC
  On Dienstag, 14. August 2007, Artur Skawina wrote:
> Udo Richter wrote:
> > Matthias Schwarzott wrote:
> >> makefile-destdir.diff:
> >> It add variable DESTDIR to makefile to install under $(DESTDIR) instead
> >> of /
> >
> > I would prefer something like DESTDIR=/usr/local that can be redirected
> > to /usr or /tmp/newpackage/usr or similar, just as many configure
> > scripts do it. On the downside, this wouldn't work for
> the usual convention is PREFIX, which defaults to '/usr/local' and can be
> changed to eg '/usr/' or '/sw/vdr-1.6.0' etc.
> DESTDIR is completely independent -- it adds _another_ prefix; this is used
> eg when building packages.
> So "make install DESTDIR=/tmp/BLD-38746 PREFIX=/sw/vdr-1.6.0"
> means to assume the program will be installed in /sw/vdr-1.6.0 (and look
> for config files in /sw/vdr-1.6.0/etc/, binaries in /sw/vdr-1.6.0/bin/
> etc), but to copy all the files to /tmp/BLD-38746/sw/vdr-1.6.0. This way
> you can build a package w/o disturbing the /sw/ tree and install using a
> package manager later.

I updated the patch to use DESTDIR and PREFIX.

Comments on installing header files and Make.config?
Should Make.config go to $PREFIX/share/vdr ?



Index: vdr-1.5.7/Makefile
--- vdr-1.5.7.orig/Makefile
+++ vdr-1.5.7/Makefile
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@  PREFIX  ?= /usr/local
 MANDIR   = $(PREFIX)/man
 BINDIR   = $(PREFIX)/bin
 LOCDIR   = $(PREFIX)/share/vdr/locale
+INCDIR   = $(PREFIX)/include
 LIBS     = -ljpeg -lpthread -ldl -lcap -lfreetype -lfontconfig
 INCLUDES = -I/usr/include/freetype2
@@ -160,7 +161,7 @@  clean-plugins:
 # Install the files:
-install: install-bin install-i18n install-conf install-doc install-plugins
+install: install-bin install-i18n install-conf install-doc install-plugins install-header
 # VDR binary:
@@ -191,6 +192,13 @@  install-plugins: plugins
 	@cp --remove-destination $(PLUGINDIR)/lib/lib*-*.so.$(APIVERSION) $(DESTDIR)$(PLUGINLIBDIR)
+# Header files:
+	@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(INCDIR)/vdr $(DESTDIR)$(INCDIR)/vdr/libsi
+	@cp *.h Make.config $(DESTDIR)$(INCDIR)/vdr
+	@cp libsi/*.h $(DESTDIR)$(INCDIR)/vdr/libsi
 # Source documentation: