patch against softdevice-CVS to not change picture settings (contrast, ...)

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Matthias Schwarzott May 22, 2006, 6:54 a.m. UTC
  On Tuesday 16 May 2006 00:26, Stefan Lucke wrote:
> On Montag 15 Mai 2006 22:47, Martin Wache wrote:
> > Matthias Schwarzott schrieb:
> > > Hi!
> > >
> > > I have written this patch for the softdevice xv-output method to stop
> > > it from changing all my xv output settings (contrast brightness hue
> > > saturation). I mainly use the new shm-output communication with xv.
> > >
> > > I know that it is in some parts a hack, but I hope that a similar patch
> > > will be incorporated into the official version.
> >
> > I see your problem, this really should be solved soon. Your patch
> > disables the use of saved values for contrast, hue etc. for Xv-out as
> > well as shm-out, which is quite a nice feature if one doesn't want to
> > use the default values.
> Another additional argument for xv-out (dfb-out) could be: leave settings
> as is.
Yeah, this would be good. For my card (nvidia) the init-values of 50% are not 
the default-picture settings.

Another thing I discovered is that the key-handling of the shm-module is 
First point (tested at a friend of mine): It does not work on amd64 at the 

Second point: The SHM-Area for the key is initialized with kNone, and not with 
NO_KEY which would be correct. For me this resulted in vdr switching to 
channel 5 at every start - the kNone was mapped to 5 for me. Patch is 

Third point: softdevice crashes sometimes because of a wrong initialization 
order. Means: Some threads are started before the data they access is 
initialized. As I understood vdr-plugin interface, only in Plugin::Start() 
threads should be started, not before.
If I find time, I try to trace the error a bit further.



diff -ru softdevice-0.2.3.cvs/video-shm.c softdevice-0.2.3.cvs-shm-key-init/video-shm.c
--- softdevice-0.2.3.cvs/video-shm.c	2006-05-14 21:56:07.000000000 +0200
+++ softdevice-0.2.3.cvs-shm-key-init/video-shm.c	2006-05-21 17:43:07.000000000 +0200
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ 
-        ctl->key=kNone;
+        ctl->key=NO_KEY;
         remote = new cShmRemote("softdevice-xv",this);