Patch #3: Return from commands menu

Message ID
State New

Commit Message

Sascha Volkenandt Sept. 26, 2005, 12:53 p.m. UTC
  Hi list,

I'll be releasing this and a few other patches for VDR 1.3.33, which have 
evolved during the last months while working on XeatreOS (a distribution 
based on LinVDR 0.7, which is used for the Xeatre boxes, Some of their functionality may already be included 
in plugins or other patches. Nevertheless, I'd like to release them now, and 
let everybody decide whether they are useful or not. 

This patch modifies the commands menu. After a command with output is 
executed, when the user presses Back, VDR jumps back to the recordings menu 
instead of the commands menu. This was a customer's feature request :-).

Sascha Volkenandt


Sascha Volkenandt Sept. 26, 2005, 7:11 p.m. UTC | #1
On Monday 26 September 2005 14:53, Sascha Volkenandt wrote:
> This patch modifies the commands menu. After a command with output is
> executed, when the user presses Back, VDR jumps back to the recordings menu
> instead of the commands menu. This was a customer's feature request :-).

Of course this information regards the recording commands menu. In the 
commands menu, pressing Back jumps to the main menu.



diff -Nru vdr-1.3.33-orig/menu.c vdr-1.3.33/menu.c
--- vdr-1.3.33-orig/menu.c	Sun Sep 25 15:37:21 2005
+++ vdr-1.3.33/menu.c	Mon Sep 26 14:49:25 2005
@@ -1267,7 +1267,11 @@ 
 eOSState cMenuCommands::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  bool hadSubMenu = HasSubMenu();
   eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (hadSubMenu && !HasSubMenu())
+	  return osBack;
   if (state == osUnknown) {
      switch (Key) {
diff -Nru vdr-1.3.33-orig/menu.c.orig vdr-1.3.33/menu.c.orig
--- vdr-1.3.33-orig/menu.c.orig	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ vdr-1.3.33/menu.c.orig	Mon Sep 26 14:43:21 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,3730 @@ 
+ * menu.c: The actual menu implementations
+ *
+ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
+ * how to reach the author.
+ *
+ * $Id: menu.c 1.362 2005/09/25 13:37:21 kls Exp $
+ */
+#include "menu.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "channels.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "cutter.h"
+#include "eitscan.h"
+#include "i18n.h"
+#include "interface.h"
+#include "plugin.h"
+#include "recording.h"
+#include "remote.h"
+#include "sources.h"
+#include "status.h"
+#include "themes.h"
+#include "timers.h"
+#include "transfer.h"
+#include "videodir.h"
+#define MAXWAIT4EPGINFO   3 // seconds
+#define MODETIMEOUT       3 // seconds
+#define MAXINSTANTRECTIME (24 * 60 - 1) // 23:59 hours
+#define CHNUMWIDTH  (numdigits(Channels.MaxNumber()) + 1)
+// --- cMenuEditCaItem -------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuEditCaItem : public cMenuEditIntItem {
+  const cCaDefinition *ca;
+  bool allowCardNr;
+  virtual void Set(void);
+  cMenuEditCaItem(const char *Name, int *Value, bool AllowCardNr = false);
+  eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+  };
+cMenuEditCaItem::cMenuEditCaItem(const char *Name, int *Value, bool AllowCardNr)
+:cMenuEditIntItem(Name, Value, 0)
+  ca = CaDefinitions.Get(*Value);
+  allowCardNr = AllowCardNr;
+  Set();
+void cMenuEditCaItem::Set(void)
+  if (ca)
+     SetValue(ca->Description());
+  else
+     cMenuEditIntItem::Set();
+eOSState cMenuEditCaItem::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  eOSState state = cMenuEditItem::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (state == osUnknown) {
+     if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kLeft) { // TODO might want to increase the delta if repeated quickly?
+        if (ca && ca->Prev()) {
+           ca = (cCaDefinition *)ca->Prev();
+           *value = ca->Number();
+           }
+        }
+     else if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kRight) {
+        if (ca && ca->Next() && (allowCardNr || ((cCaDefinition *)ca->Next())->Number() > MAXDEVICES)) {
+           ca = (cCaDefinition *)ca->Next();
+           *value = ca->Number();
+           }
+        }
+     else
+        return cMenuEditIntItem::ProcessKey(Key);
+     Set();
+     state = osContinue;
+     }
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuEditSrcItem ------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuEditSrcItem : public cMenuEditIntItem {
+  const cSource *source;
+  virtual void Set(void);
+  cMenuEditSrcItem(const char *Name, int *Value);
+  eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+  };
+cMenuEditSrcItem::cMenuEditSrcItem(const char *Name, int *Value)
+:cMenuEditIntItem(Name, Value, 0)
+  source = Sources.Get(*Value);
+  Set();
+void cMenuEditSrcItem::Set(void)
+  if (source) {
+     char *buffer = NULL;
+     asprintf(&buffer, "%s - %s", *cSource::ToString(source->Code()), source->Description());
+     SetValue(buffer);
+     free(buffer);
+     }
+  else
+     cMenuEditIntItem::Set();
+eOSState cMenuEditSrcItem::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  eOSState state = cMenuEditItem::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (state == osUnknown) {
+     if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kLeft) { // TODO might want to increase the delta if repeated quickly?
+        if (source && source->Prev()) {
+           source = (cSource *)source->Prev();
+           *value = source->Code();
+           }
+        }
+     else if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kRight) {
+        if (source) {
+           if (source->Next())
+              source = (cSource *)source->Next();
+           }
+        else
+           source = Sources.First();
+        if (source)
+           *value = source->Code();
+        }
+     else
+        return state; // we don't call cMenuEditIntItem::ProcessKey(Key) here since we don't accept numerical input
+     Set();
+     state = osContinue;
+     }
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuEditMapItem ------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuEditMapItem : public cMenuEditItem {
+  int *value;
+  const tChannelParameterMap *map;
+  const char *zeroString;
+  virtual void Set(void);
+  cMenuEditMapItem(const char *Name, int *Value, const tChannelParameterMap *Map, const char *ZeroString = NULL);
+  virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+  };
+cMenuEditMapItem::cMenuEditMapItem(const char *Name, int *Value, const tChannelParameterMap *Map, const char *ZeroString)
+  value = Value;
+  map = Map;
+  zeroString = ZeroString;
+  Set();
+void cMenuEditMapItem::Set(void)
+  int n = MapToUser(*value, map);
+  if (n == 999)
+     SetValue(tr("auto"));
+  else if (n == 0 && zeroString)
+     SetValue(zeroString);
+  else if (n >= 0) {
+     char buf[16];
+     snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", n);
+     SetValue(buf);
+     }
+  else
+     SetValue("???");
+eOSState cMenuEditMapItem::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  eOSState state = cMenuEditItem::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (state == osUnknown) {
+     int newValue = *value;
+     int n = DriverIndex(*value, map);
+     if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kLeft) { // TODO might want to increase the delta if repeated quickly?
+        if (n-- > 0)
+           newValue = map[n].driverValue;
+        }
+     else if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kRight) {
+        if (map[++n].userValue >= 0)
+           newValue = map[n].driverValue;
+        }
+     else
+        return state;
+     if (newValue != *value) {
+        *value = newValue;
+        Set();
+        }
+     state = osContinue;
+     }
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuEditChannel ------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuEditChannel : public cOsdMenu {
+  cChannel *channel;
+  cChannel data;
+  char name[256];
+  void Setup(void);
+  cMenuEditChannel(cChannel *Channel, bool New = false);
+  virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+  };
+cMenuEditChannel::cMenuEditChannel(cChannel *Channel, bool New)
+:cOsdMenu(tr("Edit channel"), 14)
+  channel = Channel;
+  if (channel) {
+     data = *channel;
+     if (New) {
+        channel = NULL;
+        data.nid = 0;
+        data.tid = 0;
+        data.rid = 0;
+        }
+     Setup();
+     }
+void cMenuEditChannel::Setup(void)
+  int current = Current();
+  char type = **cSource::ToString(data.source);
+#define ST(s) if (strchr(s, type))
+  Clear();
+  // Parameters for all types of sources:
+  strn0cpy(name,, sizeof(name));
+  Add(new cMenuEditStrItem( tr("Name"),          name, sizeof(name), tr(FileNameChars)));
+  Add(new cMenuEditSrcItem( tr("Source"),       &data.source));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Frequency"),    &data.frequency));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Vpid"),         &data.vpid,  0, 0x1FFF));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Ppid"),         &data.ppid,  0, 0x1FFF));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Apid1"),        &data.apids[0], 0, 0x1FFF));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Apid2"),        &data.apids[1], 0, 0x1FFF));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Dpid1"),        &data.dpids[0], 0, 0x1FFF));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Dpid2"),        &data.dpids[1], 0, 0x1FFF));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Tpid"),         &data.tpid,  0, 0x1FFF));
+  Add(new cMenuEditCaItem(  tr("CA"),           &data.caids[0], true));//XXX
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Sid"),          &data.sid, 1, 0xFFFF));
+  /* XXX not yet used
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Nid"),          &data.nid, 0));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Tid"),          &data.tid, 0));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Rid"),          &data.rid, 0));
+  XXX*/
+  // Parameters for specific types of sources:
+  ST(" S ")  Add(new cMenuEditChrItem( tr("Polarization"), &data.polarization, "hvlr"));
+  ST("CS ")  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Srate"),        &data.srate));
+  ST("CST")  Add(new cMenuEditMapItem( tr("Inversion"),    &data.inversion,    InversionValues, tr("off")));
+  ST("CST")  Add(new cMenuEditMapItem( tr("CoderateH"),    &data.coderateH,    CoderateValues, tr("none")));
+  ST("  T")  Add(new cMenuEditMapItem( tr("CoderateL"),    &data.coderateL,    CoderateValues, tr("none")));
+  ST("C T")  Add(new cMenuEditMapItem( tr("Modulation"),   &data.modulation,   ModulationValues, "QPSK"));
+  ST("  T")  Add(new cMenuEditMapItem( tr("Bandwidth"),    &data.bandwidth,    BandwidthValues));
+  ST("  T")  Add(new cMenuEditMapItem( tr("Transmission"), &data.transmission, TransmissionValues));
+  ST("  T")  Add(new cMenuEditMapItem( tr("Guard"),        &data.guard,        GuardValues));
+  ST("  T")  Add(new cMenuEditMapItem( tr("Hierarchy"),    &data.hierarchy,    HierarchyValues, tr("none")));
+  SetCurrent(Get(current));
+  Display();
+eOSState cMenuEditChannel::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  int oldSource = data.source;
+  eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (state == osUnknown) {
+     if (Key == kOk) {
+        if (Channels.HasUniqueChannelID(&data, channel)) {
+  = strcpyrealloc(, name);
+           if (channel) {
+              *channel = data;
+              isyslog("edited channel %d %s", channel->Number(), *data.ToText());
+              state = osBack;
+              }
+           else {
+              channel = new cChannel;
+              *channel = data;
+              Channels.Add(channel);
+              Channels.ReNumber();
+              isyslog("added channel %d %s", channel->Number(), *data.ToText());
+              state = osUser1;
+              }
+           Channels.SetModified(true);
+           }
+        else {
+           Skins.Message(mtError, tr("Channel settings are not unique!"));
+           state = osContinue;
+           }
+        }
+     }
+  if (Key != kNone && (data.source & cSource::st_Mask) != (oldSource & cSource::st_Mask))
+     Setup();
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuChannelItem ------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuChannelItem : public cOsdItem {
+  enum eChannelSortMode { csmNumber, csmName, csmProvider };
+  static eChannelSortMode sortMode;
+  cChannel *channel;
+  cMenuChannelItem(cChannel *Channel);
+  static void SetSortMode(eChannelSortMode SortMode) { sortMode = SortMode; }
+  static void IncSortMode(void) { sortMode = eChannelSortMode((sortMode == csmProvider) ? csmNumber : sortMode + 1); }
+  virtual int Compare(const cListObject &ListObject) const;
+  virtual void Set(void);
+  cChannel *Channel(void) { return channel; }
+  static eChannelSortMode SortMode(void) { return sortMode; }
+  };
+cMenuChannelItem::eChannelSortMode cMenuChannelItem::sortMode = csmNumber;
+cMenuChannelItem::cMenuChannelItem(cChannel *Channel)
+  channel = Channel;
+  if (channel->GroupSep())
+     SetSelectable(false);
+  Set();
+int cMenuChannelItem::Compare(const cListObject &ListObject) const
+  cMenuChannelItem *p = (cMenuChannelItem *)&ListObject;
+  int r = -1;
+  if (sortMode == csmProvider)
+     r = strcoll(channel->Provider(), p->channel->Provider());
+  if (sortMode == csmName || r == 0)
+     r = strcoll(channel->Name(), p->channel->Name());
+  if (sortMode == csmNumber || r == 0)
+     r = channel->Number() - p->channel->Number();
+  return r;
+void cMenuChannelItem::Set(void)
+  char *buffer = NULL;
+  if (!channel->GroupSep()) {
+     if (sortMode == csmProvider)
+        asprintf(&buffer, "%d\t%s - %s", channel->Number(), channel->Provider(), channel->Name());
+     else
+        asprintf(&buffer, "%d\t%s", channel->Number(), channel->Name());
+     }
+  else
+     asprintf(&buffer, "---\t%s ----------------------------------------------------------------", channel->Name());
+  SetText(buffer, false);
+// --- cMenuChannels ---------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuChannels : public cOsdMenu {
+  void Setup(void);
+  cChannel *GetChannel(int Index);
+  void Propagate(void);
+  eOSState Switch(void);
+  eOSState Edit(void);
+  eOSState New(void);
+  eOSState Delete(void);
+  virtual void Move(int From, int To);
+  cMenuChannels(void);
+  ~cMenuChannels();
+  virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+  };
+:cOsdMenu(tr("Channels"), CHNUMWIDTH)
+  Setup();
+  Channels.IncBeingEdited();
+  Channels.DecBeingEdited();
+void cMenuChannels::Setup(void)
+  cChannel *currentChannel = GetChannel(Current());
+  if (!currentChannel)
+     currentChannel = Channels.GetByNumber(cDevice::CurrentChannel());
+  cMenuChannelItem *currentItem = NULL;
+  Clear();
+  for (cChannel *channel = Channels.First(); channel; channel = Channels.Next(channel)) {
+      if (!channel->GroupSep() || cMenuChannelItem::SortMode() == cMenuChannelItem::csmNumber && *channel->Name()) {
+         cMenuChannelItem *item = new cMenuChannelItem(channel);
+         Add(item);
+         if (channel == currentChannel)
+            currentItem = item;
+         }
+      }
+  if (cMenuChannelItem::SortMode() != cMenuChannelItem::csmNumber)
+     Sort();
+  SetCurrent(currentItem);
+  SetHelp(tr("Edit"), tr("New"), tr("Delete"), cMenuChannelItem::SortMode() == cMenuChannelItem::csmNumber ? tr("Mark") : NULL);
+  Display();
+cChannel *cMenuChannels::GetChannel(int Index)
+  cMenuChannelItem *p = (cMenuChannelItem *)Get(Index);
+  return p ? (cChannel *)p->Channel() : NULL;
+void cMenuChannels::Propagate(void)
+  Channels.ReNumber();
+  for (cMenuChannelItem *ci = (cMenuChannelItem *)First(); ci; ci = (cMenuChannelItem *)ci->Next())
+      ci->Set();
+  Display();
+  Channels.SetModified(true);
+eOSState cMenuChannels::Switch(void)
+  if (HasSubMenu())
+     return osContinue;
+  cChannel *ch = GetChannel(Current());
+  if (ch)
+     return cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SwitchChannel(ch, true) ? osEnd : osContinue;
+  return osEnd;
+eOSState cMenuChannels::Edit(void)
+  if (HasSubMenu() || Count() == 0)
+     return osContinue;
+  cChannel *ch = GetChannel(Current());
+  if (ch)
+     return AddSubMenu(new cMenuEditChannel(ch));
+  return osContinue;
+eOSState cMenuChannels::New(void)
+  if (HasSubMenu())
+     return osContinue;
+  return AddSubMenu(new cMenuEditChannel(GetChannel(Current()), true));
+eOSState cMenuChannels::Delete(void)
+  if (!HasSubMenu() && Count() > 0) {
+     int Index = Current();
+     cChannel *channel = GetChannel(Current());
+     int DeletedChannel = channel->Number();
+     // Check if there is a timer using this channel:
+     for (cTimer *ti = Timers.First(); ti; ti = Timers.Next(ti)) {
+         if (ti->Channel() == channel) {
+            Skins.Message(mtError, tr("Channel is being used by a timer!"));
+            return osContinue;
+            }
+         }
+     if (Interface->Confirm(tr("Delete channel?"))) {
+        Channels.Del(channel);
+        cOsdMenu::Del(Index);
+        Propagate();
+        isyslog("channel %d deleted", DeletedChannel);
+        }
+     }
+  return osContinue;
+void cMenuChannels::Move(int From, int To)
+  int CurrentChannelNr = cDevice::CurrentChannel();
+  cChannel *CurrentChannel = Channels.GetByNumber(CurrentChannelNr);
+  cChannel *FromChannel = GetChannel(From);
+  cChannel *ToChannel = GetChannel(To);
+  if (FromChannel && ToChannel) {
+     int FromNumber = FromChannel->Number();
+     int ToNumber = ToChannel->Number();
+     Channels.Move(FromChannel, ToChannel);
+     cOsdMenu::Move(From, To);
+     Propagate();
+     isyslog("channel %d moved to %d", FromNumber, ToNumber);
+     if (CurrentChannel && CurrentChannel->Number() != CurrentChannelNr)
+        Channels.SwitchTo(CurrentChannel->Number());
+     }
+eOSState cMenuChannels::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
+  switch (state) {
+    case osUser1: {
+         cChannel *channel = Channels.Last();
+         if (channel) {
+            Add(new cMenuChannelItem(channel), true);
+            return CloseSubMenu();
+            }
+         }
+         break;
+    default:
+         if (state == osUnknown) {
+            switch (Key) {
+              case k0:      cMenuChannelItem::IncSortMode();
+                            Setup();
+                            break;
+              case kOk:     return Switch();
+              case kRed:    return Edit();
+              case kGreen:  return New();
+              case kYellow: return Delete();
+              case kBlue:   if (!HasSubMenu() && cMenuChannelItem::SortMode() == cMenuChannelItem::csmNumber)
+                               Mark();
+                            break;
+              default: break;
+              }
+            }
+    }
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuText -------------------------------------------------------------
+cMenuText::cMenuText(const char *Title, const char *Text, eDvbFont Font)
+  text = NULL;
+  SetText(Text);
+  free(text);
+void cMenuText::SetText(const char *Text)
+  free(text);
+  text = Text ? strdup(Text) : NULL;
+void cMenuText::Display(void)
+  cOsdMenu::Display();
+  DisplayMenu()->SetText(text, true);//XXX define control character in text to choose the font???
+  cStatus::MsgOsdTextItem(text);
+eOSState cMenuText::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  switch (Key) {
+    case kUp|k_Repeat:
+    case kUp:
+    case kDown|k_Repeat:
+    case kDown:
+    case kLeft|k_Repeat:
+    case kLeft:
+    case kRight|k_Repeat:
+    case kRight:
+                  DisplayMenu()->Scroll(NORMALKEY(Key) == kUp || NORMALKEY(Key) == kLeft, NORMALKEY(Key) == kLeft || NORMALKEY(Key) == kRight);
+                  cStatus::MsgOsdTextItem(NULL, NORMALKEY(Key) == kUp);
+                  return osContinue;
+    default: break;
+    }
+  eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (state == osUnknown) {
+     switch (Key) {
+       case kOk: return osBack;
+       default:  state = osContinue;
+       }
+     }
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuEditTimer --------------------------------------------------------
+cMenuEditTimer::cMenuEditTimer(cTimer *Timer, bool New)
+:cOsdMenu(tr("Edit timer"), 12)
+  firstday = NULL;
+  timer = Timer;
+  addIfConfirmed = New;
+  if (timer) {
+     data = *timer;
+     if (New)
+        data.SetFlags(tfActive);
+     channel = data.Channel()->Number();
+     Add(new cMenuEditBitItem( tr("Active"),       &data.flags, tfActive));
+     Add(new cMenuEditChanItem(tr("Channel"),      &channel));
+     Add(new cMenuEditDateItem(tr("Day"),          &, &data.weekdays));
+     Add(new cMenuEditTimeItem(tr("Start"),        &data.start));
+     Add(new cMenuEditTimeItem(tr("Stop"),         &data.stop));
+     Add(new cMenuEditBitItem( tr("VPS"),          &data.flags, tfVps));
+     Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Priority"),     &data.priority, 0, MAXPRIORITY));
+     Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Lifetime"),     &data.lifetime, 0, MAXLIFETIME));
+     Add(new cMenuEditStrItem( tr("File"),          data.file, sizeof(data.file), tr(FileNameChars)));
+     SetFirstDayItem();
+     }
+  Timers.IncBeingEdited();
+  if (timer && addIfConfirmed)
+     delete timer; // apparently it wasn't confirmed
+  Timers.DecBeingEdited();
+void cMenuEditTimer::SetFirstDayItem(void)
+  if (!firstday && !data.IsSingleEvent()) {
+     Add(firstday = new cMenuEditDateItem(tr("First day"), &;
+     Display();
+     }
+  else if (firstday && data.IsSingleEvent()) {
+     Del(firstday->Index());
+     firstday = NULL;
+     Display();
+     }
+eOSState cMenuEditTimer::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (state == osUnknown) {
+     switch (Key) {
+       case kOk:     {
+                       cChannel *ch = Channels.GetByNumber(channel);
+                       if (ch)
+                 = ch;
+                       else {
+                          Skins.Message(mtError, tr("*** Invalid Channel ***"));
+                          break;
+                          }
+                       if (!*data.file)
+                          strcpy(data.file, data.Channel()->ShortName(true));
+                       if (timer) {
+                          if (memcmp(timer, &data, sizeof(data)) != 0) {
+                             *timer = data;
+                             if (timer->HasFlags(tfActive))
+                                timer->ClrFlags(~tfAll); // allows external programs to mark active timers with values > 0xFFFF and recognize if the user has modified them
+                             }
+                          if (addIfConfirmed)
+                             Timers.Add(timer);
+                          timer->Matches();
+                          Timers.SetModified();
+                          isyslog("timer %s %s (%s)", *timer->ToDescr(), addIfConfirmed ? "added" : "modified", timer->HasFlags(tfActive) ? "active" : "inactive");
+                          addIfConfirmed = false;
+                          }
+                     }
+                     return osBack;
+       case kRed:
+       case kGreen:
+       case kYellow:
+       case kBlue:   return osContinue;
+       default: break;
+       }
+     }
+  if (Key != kNone)
+     SetFirstDayItem();
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuTimerItem --------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuTimerItem : public cOsdItem {
+  cTimer *timer;
+  cMenuTimerItem(cTimer *Timer);
+  virtual int Compare(const cListObject &ListObject) const;
+  virtual void Set(void);
+  cTimer *Timer(void) { return timer; }
+  };
+cMenuTimerItem::cMenuTimerItem(cTimer *Timer)
+  timer = Timer;
+  Set();
+int cMenuTimerItem::Compare(const cListObject &ListObject) const
+  return timer->Compare(*((cMenuTimerItem *)&ListObject)->timer);
+void cMenuTimerItem::Set(void)
+  cString day, name("");
+  if (timer->WeekDays())
+     day = timer->PrintDay(0, timer->WeekDays());
+  else if (timer->Day() - time(NULL) < 28 * SECSINDAY) {
+     day = itoa(timer->GetMDay(timer->Day()));
+     name = WeekDayName(timer->Day());
+     }
+  else {
+     struct tm tm_r;
+     time_t Day = timer->Day();
+     localtime_r(&Day, &tm_r);
+     char buffer[16];
+     strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%Y%m%d", &tm_r);
+     day = buffer;
+     }
+  char *buffer = NULL;
+  asprintf(&buffer, "%c\t%d\t%s%s%s\t%02d:%02d\t%02d:%02d\t%s",
+                    !(timer->HasFlags(tfActive)) ? ' ' : timer->FirstDay() ? '!' : timer->Recording() ? '#' : '>',
+                    timer->Channel()->Number(),
+                    *name,
+                    *name && **name ? " " : "",
+                    *day,
+                    timer->Start() / 100,
+                    timer->Start() % 100,
+                    timer->Stop() / 100,
+                    timer->Stop() % 100,
+                    timer->File());
+  SetText(buffer, false);
+// --- cMenuTimers -----------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuTimers : public cOsdMenu {
+  eOSState Edit(void);
+  eOSState New(void);
+  eOSState Delete(void);
+  eOSState OnOff(void);
+  virtual void Move(int From, int To);
+  eOSState Summary(void);
+  cTimer *CurrentTimer(void);
+  cMenuTimers(void);
+  virtual ~cMenuTimers();
+  virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+  };
+:cOsdMenu(tr("Timers"), 2, CHNUMWIDTH, 10, 6, 6)
+  for (cTimer *timer = Timers.First(); timer; timer = Timers.Next(timer))
+      Add(new cMenuTimerItem(timer));
+  if (Setup.SortTimers)
+     Sort();
+  SetHelp(tr("Edit"), tr("New"), tr("Delete"), Setup.SortTimers ? tr("On/Off") : tr("Mark"));
+  Timers.IncBeingEdited();
+  Timers.DecBeingEdited();
+cTimer *cMenuTimers::CurrentTimer(void)
+  cMenuTimerItem *item = (cMenuTimerItem *)Get(Current());
+  return item ? item->Timer() : NULL;
+eOSState cMenuTimers::OnOff(void)
+  cTimer *timer = CurrentTimer();
+  if (timer) {
+     timer->OnOff();
+     RefreshCurrent();
+     DisplayCurrent(true);
+     if (timer->FirstDay())
+        isyslog("timer %s first day set to %s", *timer->ToDescr(), *timer->PrintFirstDay());
+     else
+        isyslog("timer %s %sactivated", *timer->ToDescr(), timer->HasFlags(tfActive) ? "" : "de");
+     Timers.SetModified();
+     }
+  return osContinue;
+eOSState cMenuTimers::Edit(void)
+  if (HasSubMenu() || Count() == 0)
+     return osContinue;
+  isyslog("editing timer %s", *CurrentTimer()->ToDescr());
+  return AddSubMenu(new cMenuEditTimer(CurrentTimer()));
+eOSState cMenuTimers::New(void)
+  if (HasSubMenu())
+     return osContinue;
+  return AddSubMenu(new cMenuEditTimer(new cTimer, true));
+eOSState cMenuTimers::Delete(void)
+  // Check if this timer is active:
+  cTimer *ti = CurrentTimer();
+  if (ti) {
+     if (Interface->Confirm(tr("Delete timer?"))) {
+        if (ti->Recording()) {
+           if (Interface->Confirm(tr("Timer still recording - really delete?"))) {
+              ti->Skip();
+              cRecordControls::Process(time(NULL));
+              }
+           else
+              return osContinue;
+           }
+        isyslog("deleting timer %s", *ti->ToDescr());
+        Timers.Del(ti);
+        cOsdMenu::Del(Current());
+        Timers.SetModified();
+        Display();
+        }
+     }
+  return osContinue;
+void cMenuTimers::Move(int From, int To)
+  Timers.Move(From, To);
+  cOsdMenu::Move(From, To);
+  Timers.SetModified();
+  Display();
+  isyslog("timer %d moved to %d", From + 1, To + 1);
+eOSState cMenuTimers::Summary(void)
+  if (HasSubMenu() || Count() == 0)
+     return osContinue;
+  cTimer *ti = CurrentTimer();
+  if (ti && !isempty(ti->Summary()))
+     return AddSubMenu(new cMenuText(tr("Summary"), ti->Summary()));
+  return Edit(); // convenience for people not using the Summary feature ;-)
+eOSState cMenuTimers::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  int TimerNumber = HasSubMenu() ? Count() : -1;
+  eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (state == osUnknown) {
+     switch (Key) {
+       case kOk:     return Summary();
+       case kRed:    return Edit();
+       case kGreen:  return New();
+       case kYellow: return Delete();
+       case kBlue:   if (Setup.SortTimers)
+                        OnOff();
+                     else
+                        Mark();
+                     break;
+       default: break;
+       }
+     }
+  if (TimerNumber >= 0 && !HasSubMenu() && Timers.Get(TimerNumber)) {
+     // a newly created timer was confirmed with Ok
+     Add(new cMenuTimerItem(Timers.Get(TimerNumber)), true);
+     Display();
+     }
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuEvent ------------------------------------------------------------
+cMenuEvent::cMenuEvent(const cEvent *Event, bool CanSwitch)
+  event = Event;
+  if (event) {
+     cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(event->ChannelID(), true);
+     if (channel) {
+        SetTitle(channel->Name());
+        SetHelp(tr("Record"), NULL, NULL, CanSwitch ? tr("Switch") : NULL);
+        }
+     }
+void cMenuEvent::Display(void)
+  cOsdMenu::Display();
+  DisplayMenu()->SetEvent(event);
+  cStatus::MsgOsdTextItem(event->Description());
+eOSState cMenuEvent::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  switch (Key) {
+    case kUp|k_Repeat:
+    case kUp:
+    case kDown|k_Repeat:
+    case kDown:
+    case kLeft|k_Repeat:
+    case kLeft:
+    case kRight|k_Repeat:
+    case kRight:
+                  DisplayMenu()->Scroll(NORMALKEY(Key) == kUp || NORMALKEY(Key) == kLeft, NORMALKEY(Key) == kLeft || NORMALKEY(Key) == kRight);
+                  cStatus::MsgOsdTextItem(NULL, NORMALKEY(Key) == kUp);
+                  return osContinue;
+    default: break;
+    }
+  eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (state == osUnknown) {
+     switch (Key) {
+       case kGreen:
+       case kYellow: return osContinue;
+       case kOk:     return osBack;
+       default: break;
+       }
+     }
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuWhatsOnItem ------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuWhatsOnItem : public cOsdItem {
+  const cEvent *event;
+  const cChannel *channel;
+  cMenuWhatsOnItem(const cEvent *Event, cChannel *Channel);
+cMenuWhatsOnItem::cMenuWhatsOnItem(const cEvent *Event, cChannel *Channel)
+  event = Event;
+  channel = Channel;
+  char *buffer = NULL;
+  int TimerMatch;
+  char t = Timers.GetMatch(Event, &TimerMatch) ? (TimerMatch == tmFull) ? 'T' : 't' : ' ';
+  char v = event->Vps() && (event->Vps() - event->StartTime()) ? 'V' : ' ';
+  char r = event->IsRunning() ? '*' : ' ';
+  asprintf(&buffer, "%d\t%.*s\t%s\t%c%c%c\t%s", channel->Number(), 6, channel->ShortName(true), *event->GetTimeString(), t, v, r, event->Title());
+  SetText(buffer, false);
+// --- cMenuWhatsOn ----------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuWhatsOn : public cOsdMenu {
+  eOSState Record(void);
+  eOSState Switch(void);
+  static int currentChannel;
+  static const cEvent *scheduleEvent;
+  cMenuWhatsOn(const cSchedules *Schedules, bool Now, int CurrentChannelNr);
+  static int CurrentChannel(void) { return currentChannel; }
+  static void SetCurrentChannel(int ChannelNr) { currentChannel = ChannelNr; }
+  static const cEvent *ScheduleEvent(void);
+  virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+  };
+int cMenuWhatsOn::currentChannel = 0;
+const cEvent *cMenuWhatsOn::scheduleEvent = NULL;
+cMenuWhatsOn::cMenuWhatsOn(const cSchedules *Schedules, bool Now, int CurrentChannelNr)
+:cOsdMenu(Now ? tr("What's on now?") : tr("What's on next?"), CHNUMWIDTH, 7, 6, 4)
+  for (cChannel *Channel = Channels.First(); Channel; Channel = Channels.Next(Channel)) {
+      if (!Channel->GroupSep()) {
+         const cSchedule *Schedule = Schedules->GetSchedule(Channel->GetChannelID());
+         if (Schedule) {
+            const cEvent *Event = Now ? Schedule->GetPresentEvent() : Schedule->GetFollowingEvent();
+            if (Event)
+               Add(new cMenuWhatsOnItem(Event, Channel), Channel->Number() == CurrentChannelNr);
+            }
+         }
+      }
+  currentChannel = CurrentChannelNr;
+  SetHelp(Count() ? tr("Record") : NULL, Now ? tr("Next") : tr("Now"), tr("Button$Schedule"), tr("Switch"));
+const cEvent *cMenuWhatsOn::ScheduleEvent(void)
+  const cEvent *ei = scheduleEvent;
+  scheduleEvent = NULL;
+  return ei;
+eOSState cMenuWhatsOn::Switch(void)
+  cMenuWhatsOnItem *item = (cMenuWhatsOnItem *)Get(Current());
+  if (item) {
+     cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(item->event->ChannelID(), true);
+     if (channel && cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SwitchChannel(channel, true))
+        return osEnd;
+     }
+  Skins.Message(mtError, tr("Can't switch channel!"));
+  return osContinue;
+eOSState cMenuWhatsOn::Record(void)
+  cMenuWhatsOnItem *item = (cMenuWhatsOnItem *)Get(Current());
+  if (item) {
+     cTimer *timer = new cTimer(item->event);
+     cTimer *t = Timers.GetTimer(timer);
+     if (t) {
+        delete timer;
+        timer = t;
+        }
+     return AddSubMenu(new cMenuEditTimer(timer, !t));
+     }
+  return osContinue;
+eOSState cMenuWhatsOn::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (state == osUnknown) {
+     switch (Key) {
+       case kRecord:
+       case kRed:    return Record();
+       case kYellow: state = osBack;
+                     // continue with kGreen
+       case kGreen:  {
+                       cMenuWhatsOnItem *mi = (cMenuWhatsOnItem *)Get(Current());
+                       if (mi) {
+                          scheduleEvent = mi->event;
+                          currentChannel = mi->channel->Number();
+                          }
+                     }
+                     break;
+       case kBlue:   return Switch();
+       case kOk:     if (Count())
+                        return AddSubMenu(new cMenuEvent(((cMenuWhatsOnItem *)Get(Current()))->event, true));
+                     break;
+       default:      break;
+       }
+     }
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuScheduleItem -----------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuScheduleItem : public cOsdItem {
+  const cEvent *event;
+  cMenuScheduleItem(const cEvent *Event);
+cMenuScheduleItem::cMenuScheduleItem(const cEvent *Event)
+  event = Event;
+  char *buffer = NULL;
+  int TimerMatch;
+  char t = Timers.GetMatch(Event, &TimerMatch) ? (TimerMatch == tmFull) ? 'T' : 't' : ' ';
+  char v = event->Vps() && (event->Vps() - event->StartTime()) ? 'V' : ' ';
+  char r = event->IsRunning() ? '*' : ' ';
+  asprintf(&buffer, "%.*s\t%s\t%c%c%c\t%s", 6, *event->GetDateString(), *event->GetTimeString(), t, v, r, event->Title());
+  SetText(buffer, false);
+// --- cMenuSchedule ---------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuSchedule : public cOsdMenu {
+  cSchedulesLock schedulesLock;
+  const cSchedules *schedules;
+  bool now, next;
+  int otherChannel;
+  eOSState Record(void);
+  eOSState Switch(void);
+  void PrepareSchedule(cChannel *Channel);
+  cMenuSchedule(void);
+  virtual ~cMenuSchedule();
+  virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+  };
+:cOsdMenu("", 7, 6, 4)
+  now = next = false;
+  otherChannel = 0;
+  cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByNumber(cDevice::CurrentChannel());
+  if (channel) {
+     cMenuWhatsOn::SetCurrentChannel(channel->Number());
+     schedules = cSchedules::Schedules(schedulesLock);
+     PrepareSchedule(channel);
+     SetHelp(Count() ? tr("Record") : NULL, tr("Now"), tr("Next"));
+     }
+  cMenuWhatsOn::ScheduleEvent(); // makes sure any posted data is cleared
+void cMenuSchedule::PrepareSchedule(cChannel *Channel)
+  Clear();
+  char *buffer = NULL;
+  asprintf(&buffer, tr("Schedule - %s"), Channel->Name());
+  SetTitle(buffer);
+  free(buffer);
+  if (schedules) {
+     const cSchedule *Schedule = schedules->GetSchedule(Channel->GetChannelID());
+     if (Schedule) {
+        const cEvent *PresentEvent = Schedule->GetPresentEvent(Channel->Number() == cDevice::CurrentChannel());
+        time_t now = time(NULL) - Setup.EPGLinger * 60;
+        for (const cEvent *Event = Schedule->Events()->First(); Event; Event = Schedule->Events()->Next(Event)) {
+            if (Event->EndTime() > now || Event == PresentEvent)
+               Add(new cMenuScheduleItem(Event), Event == PresentEvent);
+            }
+        }
+     }
+eOSState cMenuSchedule::Record(void)
+  cMenuScheduleItem *item = (cMenuScheduleItem *)Get(Current());
+  if (item) {
+     cTimer *timer = new cTimer(item->event);
+     cTimer *t = Timers.GetTimer(timer);
+     if (t) {
+        delete timer;
+        timer = t;
+        }
+     return AddSubMenu(new cMenuEditTimer(timer, !t));
+     }
+  return osContinue;
+eOSState cMenuSchedule::Switch(void)
+  if (otherChannel) {
+     if (Channels.SwitchTo(otherChannel))
+        return osEnd;
+     }
+  Skins.Message(mtError, tr("Can't switch channel!"));
+  return osContinue;
+eOSState cMenuSchedule::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (state == osUnknown) {
+     switch (Key) {
+       case kRecord:
+       case kRed:    return Record();
+       case kGreen:  if (schedules) {
+                        if (!now && !next) {
+                           int ChannelNr = 0;
+                           if (Count()) {
+                              cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(((cMenuScheduleItem *)Get(Current()))->event->ChannelID(), true);
+                              if (channel)
+                                 ChannelNr = channel->Number();
+                              }
+                           now = true;
+                           return AddSubMenu(new cMenuWhatsOn(schedules, true, ChannelNr));
+                           }
+                        now = !now;
+                        next = !next;
+                        return AddSubMenu(new cMenuWhatsOn(schedules, now, cMenuWhatsOn::CurrentChannel()));
+                        }
+       case kYellow: if (schedules)
+                        return AddSubMenu(new cMenuWhatsOn(schedules, false, cMenuWhatsOn::CurrentChannel()));
+                     break;
+       case kBlue:   if (Count())
+                        return Switch();
+                     break;
+       case kOk:     if (Count())
+                        return AddSubMenu(new cMenuEvent(((cMenuScheduleItem *)Get(Current()))->event, otherChannel));
+                     break;
+       default:      break;
+       }
+     }
+  else if (!HasSubMenu()) {
+     now = next = false;
+     const cEvent *ei = cMenuWhatsOn::ScheduleEvent();
+     if (ei) {
+        cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(ei->ChannelID(), true);
+        if (channel) {
+           PrepareSchedule(channel);
+           if (channel->Number() != cDevice::CurrentChannel()) {
+              otherChannel = channel->Number();
+              SetHelp(Count() ? tr("Record") : NULL, tr("Now"), tr("Next"), tr("Switch"));
+              }
+           Display();
+           }
+        }
+     }
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuCommands ---------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuCommands : public cOsdMenu {
+  cCommands *commands;
+  char *parameters;
+  eOSState Execute(void);
+  cMenuCommands(const char *Title, cCommands *Commands, const char *Parameters = NULL);
+  virtual ~cMenuCommands();
+  virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+  };
+cMenuCommands::cMenuCommands(const char *Title, cCommands *Commands, const char *Parameters)
+  SetHasHotkeys();
+  commands = Commands;
+  parameters = Parameters ? strdup(Parameters) : NULL;
+  for (cCommand *command = commands->First(); command; command = commands->Next(command))
+      Add(new cOsdItem(hk(command->Title())));
+  free(parameters);
+eOSState cMenuCommands::Execute(void)
+  cCommand *command = commands->Get(Current());
+  if (command) {
+     char *buffer = NULL;
+     bool confirmed = true;
+     if (command->Confirm()) {
+        asprintf(&buffer, "%s?", command->Title());
+        confirmed = Interface->Confirm(buffer);
+        free(buffer);
+        }
+     if (confirmed) {
+        asprintf(&buffer, "%s...", command->Title());
+        Skins.Message(mtStatus, buffer);
+        free(buffer);
+        const char *Result = command->Execute(parameters);
+        Skins.Message(mtStatus, NULL);
+        if (Result)
+           return AddSubMenu(new cMenuText(command->Title(), Result, fontFix));
+        return osEnd;
+        }
+     }
+  return osContinue;
+eOSState cMenuCommands::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (state == osUnknown) {
+     switch (Key) {
+       case kRed:
+       case kGreen:
+       case kYellow:
+       case kBlue:   return osContinue;
+       case kOk:     return Execute();
+       default:      break;
+       }
+     }
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuCam --------------------------------------------------------------
+cMenuCam::cMenuCam(cCiMenu *CiMenu)
+  ciMenu = CiMenu;
+  selected = false;
+  if (ciMenu->Selectable())
+     SetHasHotkeys();
+  SetTitle(ciMenu->TitleText() ? ciMenu->TitleText() : "CAM");
+  for (int i = 0; i < ciMenu->NumEntries(); i++)
+      Add(new cOsdItem(hk(ciMenu->Entry(i))));
+  //XXX implement a clean way of displaying this:
+  Add(new cOsdItem(ciMenu->SubTitleText()));
+  Add(new cOsdItem(ciMenu->BottomText()));
+  Display();
+  dsyslog("CAM: Menu - %s", ciMenu->TitleText());
+  if (!selected)
+     ciMenu->Cancel();
+  delete ciMenu;
+eOSState cMenuCam::Select(void)
+  if (ciMenu->Selectable()) {
+     ciMenu->Select(Current());
+     selected = true;
+     }
+  return osEnd;
+eOSState cMenuCam::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (state == osUnknown) {
+     switch (Key) {
+       case kOk:     return Select();
+       default: break;
+       }
+     }
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuCamEnquiry -------------------------------------------------------
+//XXX this is just quick and dirty - make this a separate display object
+cMenuCamEnquiry::cMenuCamEnquiry(cCiEnquiry *CiEnquiry)
+:cOsdMenu("", 10)
+  ciEnquiry = CiEnquiry;
+  int Length = ciEnquiry->ExpectedLength();
+  input = MALLOC(char, Length + 1);
+  *input = 0;
+  replied = false;
+  SetTitle(ciEnquiry->Text() ? ciEnquiry->Text() : "CAM");
+  Add(new cMenuEditNumItem("Input", input, Length, ciEnquiry->Blind()));
+  Display();
+  if (!replied)
+     ciEnquiry->Cancel();
+  free(input);
+  delete ciEnquiry;
+eOSState cMenuCamEnquiry::Reply(void)
+  //XXX check length???
+  ciEnquiry->Reply(input);
+  replied = true;
+  return osEnd;
+eOSState cMenuCamEnquiry::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (state == osUnknown) {
+     switch (Key) {
+       case kOk:     return Reply();
+       default: break;
+       }
+     }
+  return state;
+// --- CamControl ------------------------------------------------------------
+cOsdObject *CamControl(void)
+  for (int d = 0; d < cDevice::NumDevices(); d++) {
+      cDevice *Device = cDevice::GetDevice(d);
+      if (Device) {
+         cCiHandler *CiHandler = Device->CiHandler();
+         if (CiHandler && CiHandler->HasUserIO()) {
+            cCiMenu *CiMenu = CiHandler->GetMenu();
+            if (CiMenu)
+               return new cMenuCam(CiMenu);
+            else {
+               cCiEnquiry *CiEnquiry = CiHandler->GetEnquiry();
+               if (CiEnquiry)
+                  return new cMenuCamEnquiry(CiEnquiry);
+               }
+            }
+         }
+      }
+  return NULL;
+// --- cMenuRecording --------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuRecording : public cOsdMenu {
+  const cRecording *recording;
+  cMenuRecording(const cRecording *Recording);
+  virtual void Display(void);
+  virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+cMenuRecording::cMenuRecording(const cRecording *Recording)
+:cOsdMenu(tr("Recording info"))
+  recording = Recording;
+  if (recording)
+     SetHelp(tr("Play"), tr("Rewind"));
+void cMenuRecording::Display(void)
+  cOsdMenu::Display();
+  DisplayMenu()->SetRecording(recording);
+  cStatus::MsgOsdTextItem(recording->Info()->Description());
+eOSState cMenuRecording::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  switch (Key) {
+    case kUp|k_Repeat:
+    case kUp:
+    case kDown|k_Repeat:
+    case kDown:
+    case kLeft|k_Repeat:
+    case kLeft:
+    case kRight|k_Repeat:
+    case kRight:
+                  DisplayMenu()->Scroll(NORMALKEY(Key) == kUp || NORMALKEY(Key) == kLeft, NORMALKEY(Key) == kLeft || NORMALKEY(Key) == kRight);
+                  cStatus::MsgOsdTextItem(NULL, NORMALKEY(Key) == kUp);
+                  return osContinue;
+    default: break;
+    }
+  eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (state == osUnknown) {
+     switch (Key) {
+       case kRed:    Key = kOk; // will play the recording, even if recording commands are defined
+       case kGreen:  cRemote::Put(Key, true);
+                     // continue with osBack to close the info menu and process the key
+       case kOk:     return osBack;
+       default: break;
+       }
+     }
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuRecordingItem ----------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuRecordingItem : public cOsdItem {
+  char *fileName;
+  char *name;
+  int totalEntries, newEntries;
+  cMenuRecordingItem(cRecording *Recording, int Level);
+  ~cMenuRecordingItem();
+  void IncrementCounter(bool New);
+  const char *Name(void) { return name; }
+  const char *FileName(void) { return fileName; }
+  bool IsDirectory(void) { return name != NULL; }
+  };
+cMenuRecordingItem::cMenuRecordingItem(cRecording *Recording, int Level)
+  fileName = strdup(Recording->FileName());
+  name = NULL;
+  totalEntries = newEntries = 0;
+  SetText(Recording->Title('\t', true, Level));
+  if (*Text() == '\t')
+     name = strdup(Text() + 2); // 'Text() + 2' to skip the two '\t'
+  free(fileName);
+  free(name);
+void cMenuRecordingItem::IncrementCounter(bool New)
+  totalEntries++;
+  if (New)
+     newEntries++;
+  char *buffer = NULL;
+  asprintf(&buffer, "%d\t%d\t%s", totalEntries, newEntries, name);
+  SetText(buffer, false);
+// --- cMenuRecordings -------------------------------------------------------
+int cMenuRecordings::helpKeys = -1;
+cMenuRecordings::cMenuRecordings(const char *Base, int Level, bool OpenSubMenus)
+:cOsdMenu(Base ? Base : tr("Recordings"), 8, 6)
+  base = Base ? strdup(Base) : NULL;
+  level = Setup.RecordingDirs ? Level : -1;
+  Recordings.StateChanged(recordingsState); // just to get the current state
+  Display(); // this keeps the higher level menus from showing up briefly when pressing 'Back' during replay
+  Set();
+  if (Current() < 0)
+     SetCurrent(First());
+  else if (OpenSubMenus && cReplayControl::LastReplayed() && Open(true))
+     return;
+  SetHelpKeys();
+  helpKeys = -1;
+  free(base);
+void cMenuRecordings::SetHelpKeys(void)
+  cMenuRecordingItem *ri = (cMenuRecordingItem *)Get(Current());
+  int NewHelpKeys = helpKeys;
+  if (ri) {
+     if (ri->IsDirectory())
+        NewHelpKeys = 1;
+     else {
+        NewHelpKeys = 2;
+        cRecording *recording = GetRecording(ri);
+        if (recording && recording->Info()->Title())
+           NewHelpKeys = 3;
+        }
+     }
+  if (NewHelpKeys != helpKeys) {
+     switch (NewHelpKeys) {
+       case 0: SetHelp(NULL); break;
+       case 1: SetHelp(tr("Open")); break;
+       case 2:
+       case 3: SetHelp(RecordingCommands.Count() ? tr("Commands") : tr("Play"), tr("Rewind"), tr("Delete"), NewHelpKeys == 3 ? tr("Info") : NULL);
+       }
+     helpKeys = NewHelpKeys;
+     }
+void cMenuRecordings::Set(bool Refresh)
+  const char *CurrentRecording = cReplayControl::LastReplayed();
+  cMenuRecordingItem *LastItem = NULL;
+  char *LastItemText = NULL;
+  cThreadLock RecordingsLock(&Recordings);
+  if (Refresh) {
+     cMenuRecordingItem *ri = (cMenuRecordingItem *)Get(Current());
+     if (ri) {
+        cRecording *Recording = GetRecording(ri);
+        if (Recording)
+           CurrentRecording = Recording->FileName();
+        }
+     }
+  Clear();
+  Recordings.Sort();
+  for (cRecording *recording = Recordings.First(); recording; recording = Recordings.Next(recording)) {
+      if (!base || (strstr(recording->Name(), base) == recording->Name() && recording->Name()[strlen(base)] == '~')) {
+         cMenuRecordingItem *Item = new cMenuRecordingItem(recording, level);
+         if (*Item->Text() && (!LastItem || strcmp(Item->Text(), LastItemText) != 0)) {
+            Add(Item);
+            LastItem = Item;
+            free(LastItemText);
+            LastItemText = strdup(LastItem->Text()); // must use a copy because of the counters!
+            }
+         else
+            delete Item;
+         if (LastItem) {
+            if (CurrentRecording && strcmp(CurrentRecording, recording->FileName()) == 0)
+               SetCurrent(LastItem);
+            if (LastItem->IsDirectory())
+               LastItem->IncrementCounter(recording->IsNew());
+            }
+         }
+      }
+  free(LastItemText);
+  Display();
+cRecording *cMenuRecordings::GetRecording(cMenuRecordingItem *Item)
+  cRecording *recording = Recordings.GetByName(Item->FileName());
+  if (!recording)
+     Skins.Message(mtError, tr("Error while accessing recording!"));
+  return recording;
+bool cMenuRecordings::Open(bool OpenSubMenus)
+  cMenuRecordingItem *ri = (cMenuRecordingItem *)Get(Current());
+  if (ri && ri->IsDirectory()) {
+     const char *t = ri->Name();
+     char *buffer = NULL;
+     if (base) {
+        asprintf(&buffer, "%s~%s", base, t);
+        t = buffer;
+        }
+     AddSubMenu(new cMenuRecordings(t, level + 1, OpenSubMenus));
+     free(buffer);
+     return true;
+     }
+  return false;
+eOSState cMenuRecordings::Play(void)
+  cMenuRecordingItem *ri = (cMenuRecordingItem *)Get(Current());
+  if (ri) {
+     if (ri->IsDirectory())
+        Open();
+     else {
+        cRecording *recording = GetRecording(ri);
+        if (recording) {
+           cReplayControl::SetRecording(recording->FileName(), recording->Title());
+           return osReplay;
+           }
+        }
+     }
+  return osContinue;
+eOSState cMenuRecordings::Rewind(void)
+  if (HasSubMenu() || Count() == 0)
+     return osContinue;
+  cMenuRecordingItem *ri = (cMenuRecordingItem *)Get(Current());
+  if (ri && !ri->IsDirectory()) {
+     cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->StopReplay(); // must do this first to be able to rewind the currently replayed recording
+     cResumeFile ResumeFile(ri->FileName());
+     ResumeFile.Delete();
+     return Play();
+     }
+  return osContinue;
+eOSState cMenuRecordings::Delete(void)
+  if (HasSubMenu() || Count() == 0)
+     return osContinue;
+  cMenuRecordingItem *ri = (cMenuRecordingItem *)Get(Current());
+  if (ri && !ri->IsDirectory()) {
+     if (Interface->Confirm(tr("Delete recording?"))) {
+        cRecordControl *rc = cRecordControls::GetRecordControl(ri->FileName());
+        if (rc) {
+           if (Interface->Confirm(tr("Timer still recording - really delete?"))) {
+              cTimer *timer = rc->Timer();
+              if (timer) {
+                 timer->Skip();
+                 cRecordControls::Process(time(NULL));
+                 if (timer->IsSingleEvent()) {
+                    isyslog("deleting timer %s", *timer->ToDescr());
+                    Timers.Del(timer);
+                    }
+                 Timers.SetModified();
+                 }
+              }
+           else
+              return osContinue;
+           }
+        cRecording *recording = GetRecording(ri);
+        if (recording) {
+           if (recording->Delete()) {
+              cReplayControl::ClearLastReplayed(ri->FileName());
+              Recordings.DelByName(ri->FileName());
+              cOsdMenu::Del(Current());
+              SetHelpKeys();
+              Display();
+              if (!Count())
+                 return osBack;
+              }
+           else
+              Skins.Message(mtError, tr("Error while deleting recording!"));
+           }
+        }
+     }
+  return osContinue;
+eOSState cMenuRecordings::Info(void)
+  if (HasSubMenu() || Count() == 0)
+     return osContinue;
+  cMenuRecordingItem *ri = (cMenuRecordingItem *)Get(Current());
+  if (ri && !ri->IsDirectory()) {
+     cRecording *recording = GetRecording(ri);
+     if (recording && recording->Info()->Title())
+        return AddSubMenu(new cMenuRecording(recording));
+     }
+  return osContinue;
+eOSState cMenuRecordings::Commands(eKeys Key)
+  if (HasSubMenu() || Count() == 0)
+     return osContinue;
+  cMenuRecordingItem *ri = (cMenuRecordingItem *)Get(Current());
+  if (ri && !ri->IsDirectory()) {
+     cRecording *recording = GetRecording(ri);
+     if (recording) {
+        char *parameter = NULL;
+        asprintf(&parameter, "'%s'", recording->FileName());
+        cMenuCommands *menu;
+        eOSState state = AddSubMenu(menu = new cMenuCommands(tr("Recording commands"), &RecordingCommands, parameter));
+        free(parameter);
+        if (Key != kNone)
+           state = menu->ProcessKey(Key);
+        return state;
+        }
+     }
+  return osContinue;
+eOSState cMenuRecordings::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  bool HadSubMenu = HasSubMenu();
+  eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (state == osUnknown) {
+     switch (Key) {
+       case kOk:     return Play();
+       case kRed:    return (helpKeys > 1 && RecordingCommands.Count()) ? Commands() : Play();
+       case kGreen:  return Rewind();
+       case kYellow: return Delete();
+       case kBlue:   return Info();
+       case k1...k9: return Commands(Key);
+       case kNone:   if (Recordings.StateChanged(recordingsState))
+                        Set(true);
+                     break;
+       default: break;
+       }
+     }
+  if (Key == kYellow && HadSubMenu && !HasSubMenu()) {
+     // the last recording in a subdirectory was deleted, so let's go back up
+     cOsdMenu::Del(Current());
+     if (!Count())
+        return osBack;
+     Display();
+     }
+  if (!HasSubMenu() && Key != kNone)
+     SetHelpKeys();
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuSetupBase --------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuSetupBase : public cMenuSetupPage {
+  cSetup data;
+  virtual void Store(void);
+  cMenuSetupBase(void);
+  };
+  data = Setup;
+void cMenuSetupBase::Store(void)
+  Setup = data;
+  Setup.Save();
+// --- cMenuSetupOSD ---------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuSetupOSD : public cMenuSetupBase {
+  const char *useSmallFontTexts[3];
+  int numSkins;
+  int originalSkinIndex;
+  int skinIndex;
+  const char **skinDescriptions;
+  cThemes themes;
+  int themeIndex;
+  virtual void Set(void);
+  cMenuSetupOSD(void);
+  virtual ~cMenuSetupOSD();
+  virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+  };
+  numSkins = Skins.Count();
+  skinIndex = originalSkinIndex = Skins.Current()->Index();
+  skinDescriptions = new const char*[numSkins];
+  themes.Load(Skins.Current()->Name());
+  themeIndex = Skins.Current()->Theme() ? themes.GetThemeIndex(Skins.Current()->Theme()->Description()) : 0;
+  Set();
+  cFont::SetCode(I18nCharSets()[Setup.OSDLanguage]);
+  delete skinDescriptions;
+void cMenuSetupOSD::Set(void)
+  int current = Current();
+  for (cSkin *Skin = Skins.First(); Skin; Skin = Skins.Next(Skin))
+      skinDescriptions[Skin->Index()] = Skin->Description();
+  useSmallFontTexts[0] = tr("never");
+  useSmallFontTexts[1] = tr("skin dependent");
+  useSmallFontTexts[2] = tr("always");
+  Clear();
+  SetSection(tr("OSD"));
+  Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Setup.OSD$Language"),               &data.OSDLanguage, I18nNumLanguages, I18nLanguages()));
+  Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Setup.OSD$Skin"),                   &skinIndex, numSkins, skinDescriptions));
+  if (themes.NumThemes())
+  Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Setup.OSD$Theme"),                  &themeIndex, themes.NumThemes(), themes.Descriptions()));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.OSD$Left"),                   &data.OSDLeft, 0, MAXOSDWIDTH));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.OSD$Top"),                    &data.OSDTop, 0, MAXOSDHEIGHT));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.OSD$Width"),                  &data.OSDWidth, MINOSDWIDTH, MAXOSDWIDTH));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.OSD$Height"),                 &data.OSDHeight, MINOSDHEIGHT, MAXOSDHEIGHT));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.OSD$Message time (s)"),       &data.OSDMessageTime, 1, 60));
+  Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Setup.OSD$Use small font"),         &data.UseSmallFont, 3, useSmallFontTexts));
+  Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Setup.OSD$Channel info position"),  &data.ChannelInfoPos, tr("bottom"), tr("top")));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)"),  &data.ChannelInfoTime, 1, 60));
+  Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch"), &data.ShowInfoOnChSwitch));
+  Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Setup.OSD$Scroll pages"),           &data.MenuScrollPage));
+  Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps"),           &data.MenuScrollWrap));
+  Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Setup.OSD$Sort timers"),            &data.SortTimers));
+  Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Setup.OSD$Recording directories"),  &data.RecordingDirs));
+  SetCurrent(Get(current));
+  Display();
+eOSState cMenuSetupOSD::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  if (Key == kOk) {
+     if (skinIndex != originalSkinIndex) {
+        cSkin *Skin = Skins.Get(skinIndex);
+        if (Skin) {
+           strn0cpy(data.OSDSkin, Skin->Name(), sizeof(data.OSDSkin));
+           Skins.SetCurrent(Skin->Name());
+           }
+        }
+     if (themes.NumThemes() && Skins.Current()->Theme()) {
+        Skins.Current()->Theme()->Load(themes.FileName(themeIndex));
+        strn0cpy(data.OSDTheme, themes.Name(themeIndex), sizeof(data.OSDTheme));
+        }
+     data.OSDWidth &= ~0x07; // OSD width must be a multiple of 8
+     }
+  int osdLanguage = data.OSDLanguage;
+  int oldSkinIndex = skinIndex;
+  eOSState state = cMenuSetupBase::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (data.OSDLanguage != osdLanguage || skinIndex != oldSkinIndex) {
+     int OriginalOSDLanguage = Setup.OSDLanguage;
+     Setup.OSDLanguage = data.OSDLanguage;
+     cFont::SetCode(I18nCharSets()[Setup.OSDLanguage]);
+     cSkin *Skin = Skins.Get(skinIndex);
+     if (Skin) {
+        char *d = themes.NumThemes() ? strdup(themes.Descriptions()[themeIndex]) : NULL;
+        themes.Load(Skin->Name());
+        if (skinIndex != oldSkinIndex)
+           themeIndex = d ? themes.GetThemeIndex(d) : 0;
+        free(d);
+        }
+     Set();
+     Setup.OSDLanguage = OriginalOSDLanguage;
+     }
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuSetupEPG ---------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuSetupEPG : public cMenuSetupBase {
+  int originalNumLanguages;
+  int numLanguages;
+  void Setup(void);
+  cMenuSetupEPG(void);
+  virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+  };
+  for (numLanguages = 0; numLanguages < I18nNumLanguages && data.EPGLanguages[numLanguages] >= 0; numLanguages++)
+      ;
+  originalNumLanguages = numLanguages;
+  SetSection(tr("EPG"));
+  SetHelp(tr("Scan"));
+  Setup();
+void cMenuSetupEPG::Setup(void)
+  int current = Current();
+  Clear();
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)"),      &data.EPGScanTimeout));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level"),          &data.EPGBugfixLevel, 0, MAXEPGBUGFIXLEVEL));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)"),     &data.EPGLinger, 0));
+  Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Setup.EPG$Set system time"),           &data.SetSystemTime));
+  if (data.SetSystemTime)
+     Add(new cMenuEditTranItem(tr("Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder"), &data.TimeTransponder, &data.TimeSource));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.EPG$Preferred languages"),       &numLanguages, 0, I18nNumLanguages));
+  for (int i = 0; i < numLanguages; i++)
+     Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Setup.EPG$Preferred language"),     &data.EPGLanguages[i], I18nNumLanguages, I18nLanguages()));
+  SetCurrent(Get(current));
+  Display();
+eOSState cMenuSetupEPG::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  if (Key == kOk) {
+     bool Modified = numLanguages != originalNumLanguages;
+     if (!Modified) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < numLanguages; i++) {
+            if (data.EPGLanguages[i] != ::Setup.EPGLanguages[i]) {
+               Modified = true;
+               break;
+               }
+            }
+        }
+     if (Modified)
+        cSchedules::ResetVersions();
+     }
+  int oldnumLanguages = numLanguages;
+  int oldSetSystemTime = data.SetSystemTime;
+  eOSState state = cMenuSetupBase::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (Key != kNone) {
+     if (numLanguages != oldnumLanguages || data.SetSystemTime != oldSetSystemTime) {
+        for (int i = oldnumLanguages; i < numLanguages; i++) {
+            data.EPGLanguages[i] = 0;
+            for (int l = 0; l < I18nNumLanguages; l++) {
+                int k;
+                for (k = 0; k < oldnumLanguages; k++) {
+                    if (data.EPGLanguages[k] == l)
+                       break;
+                    }
+                if (k >= oldnumLanguages) {
+                   data.EPGLanguages[i] = l;
+                   break;
+                   }
+                }
+            }
+        data.EPGLanguages[numLanguages] = -1;
+        Setup();
+        }
+     if (Key == kRed) {
+        EITScanner.ForceScan();
+        return osEnd;
+        }
+     }
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuSetupDVB ---------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuSetupDVB : public cMenuSetupBase {
+  int originalNumAudioLanguages;
+  int numAudioLanguages;
+  void Setup(void);
+  const char *videoDisplayFormatTexts[3];
+  const char *updateChannelsTexts[5];
+  cMenuSetupDVB(void);
+  virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+  };
+  for (numAudioLanguages = 0; numAudioLanguages < I18nNumLanguages && data.AudioLanguages[numAudioLanguages] >= 0; numAudioLanguages++)
+      ;
+  originalNumAudioLanguages = numAudioLanguages;
+  videoDisplayFormatTexts[0] = tr("pan&scan");
+  videoDisplayFormatTexts[1] = tr("letterbox");
+  videoDisplayFormatTexts[2] = tr("center cut out");
+  updateChannelsTexts[0] = tr("no");
+  updateChannelsTexts[1] = tr("names only");
+  updateChannelsTexts[2] = tr("names and PIDs");
+  updateChannelsTexts[3] = tr("add new channels");
+  updateChannelsTexts[4] = tr("add new transponders");
+  SetSection(tr("DVB"));
+  Setup();
+void cMenuSetupDVB::Setup(void)
+  int current = Current();
+  Clear();
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface"), &data.PrimaryDVB, 1, cDevice::NumDevices()));
+  Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Setup.DVB$Video format"),          &data.VideoFormat, "4:3", "16:9"));
+  if (data.VideoFormat == 0)
+     Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Setup.DVB$Video display format"), &data.VideoDisplayFormat, 3, videoDisplayFormatTexts));
+  Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital"),     &data.UseDolbyDigital));
+  Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Setup.DVB$Update channels"),       &data.UpdateChannels, 5, updateChannelsTexts));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.DVB$Audio languages"),       &numAudioLanguages, 0, I18nNumLanguages));
+  for (int i = 0; i < numAudioLanguages; i++)
+      Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Setup.DVB$Audio language"),    &data.AudioLanguages[i], I18nNumLanguages, I18nLanguages()));
+  SetCurrent(Get(current));
+  Display();
+eOSState cMenuSetupDVB::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  int oldPrimaryDVB = ::Setup.PrimaryDVB;
+  int oldVideoDisplayFormat = ::Setup.VideoDisplayFormat;
+  bool oldVideoFormat = ::Setup.VideoFormat;
+  bool newVideoFormat = data.VideoFormat;
+  int oldnumAudioLanguages = numAudioLanguages;
+  eOSState state = cMenuSetupBase::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (Key != kNone) {
+     bool DoSetup = data.VideoFormat != newVideoFormat;
+     if (numAudioLanguages != oldnumAudioLanguages) {
+        for (int i = oldnumAudioLanguages; i < numAudioLanguages; i++) {
+            data.AudioLanguages[i] = 0;
+            for (int l = 0; l < I18nNumLanguages; l++) {
+                int k;
+                for (k = 0; k < oldnumAudioLanguages; k++) {
+                    if (data.AudioLanguages[k] == l)
+                       break;
+                    }
+                if (k >= oldnumAudioLanguages) {
+                   data.AudioLanguages[i] = l;
+                   break;
+                   }
+                }
+            }
+        data.AudioLanguages[numAudioLanguages] = -1;
+        DoSetup = true;
+        }
+     if (DoSetup)
+        Setup();
+     }
+  if (state == osBack && Key == kOk) {
+     if (::Setup.PrimaryDVB != oldPrimaryDVB)
+        state = osSwitchDvb;
+     if (::Setup.VideoDisplayFormat != oldVideoDisplayFormat)
+        cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SetVideoDisplayFormat(eVideoDisplayFormat(::Setup.VideoDisplayFormat));
+     if (::Setup.VideoFormat != oldVideoFormat)
+        cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SetVideoFormat(::Setup.VideoFormat);
+     }
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuSetupLNB ---------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuSetupLNB : public cMenuSetupBase {
+  void Setup(void);
+  cMenuSetupLNB(void);
+  virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+  };
+  SetSection(tr("LNB"));
+  Setup();
+void cMenuSetupLNB::Setup(void)
+  int current = Current();
+  Clear();
+  Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC"),               &data.DiSEqC));
+  if (!data.DiSEqC) {
+     Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)"),               &data.LnbSLOF));
+     Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)"),  &data.LnbFrequLo));
+     Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)"), &data.LnbFrequHi));
+     }
+  SetCurrent(Get(current));
+  Display();
+eOSState cMenuSetupLNB::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  int oldDiSEqC = data.DiSEqC;
+  eOSState state = cMenuSetupBase::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (Key != kNone && data.DiSEqC != oldDiSEqC)
+     Setup();
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuSetupCICAM -------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuSetupCICAMItem : public cOsdItem {
+  cCiHandler *ciHandler;
+  int slot;
+  cMenuSetupCICAMItem(int Device, cCiHandler *CiHandler, int Slot);
+  cCiHandler *CiHandler(void) { return ciHandler; }
+  int Slot(void) { return slot; }
+  };
+cMenuSetupCICAMItem::cMenuSetupCICAMItem(int Device, cCiHandler *CiHandler, int Slot)
+  ciHandler = CiHandler;
+  slot = Slot;
+  char buffer[32];
+  const char *CamName = CiHandler->GetCamName(slot);
+  snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s%d %d\t%s", tr("Setup.CICAM$CICAM DVB"), Device + 1, slot + 1, CamName ? CamName : "-");
+  SetText(buffer);
+class cMenuSetupCICAM : public cMenuSetupBase {
+  eOSState Menu(void);
+  eOSState Reset(void);
+  cMenuSetupCICAM(void);
+  virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+  };
+  SetSection(tr("CICAM"));
+  for (int d = 0; d < cDevice::NumDevices(); d++) {
+      cDevice *Device = cDevice::GetDevice(d);
+      if (Device) {
+         cCiHandler *CiHandler = Device->CiHandler();
+         if (CiHandler) {
+            for (int Slot = 0; Slot < CiHandler->NumSlots(); Slot++)
+                Add(new cMenuSetupCICAMItem(Device->CardIndex(), CiHandler, Slot));
+            }
+         }
+      }
+  SetHelp(tr("Menu"), tr("Reset"));
+eOSState cMenuSetupCICAM::Menu(void)
+  cMenuSetupCICAMItem *item = (cMenuSetupCICAMItem *)Get(Current());
+  if (item) {
+     if (item->CiHandler()->EnterMenu(item->Slot()))
+        return osEnd; // the CAM menu will be executed explicitly from the main loop
+     else
+        Skins.Message(mtError, tr("Can't open CAM menu!"));
+     }
+  return osContinue;
+eOSState cMenuSetupCICAM::Reset(void)
+  cMenuSetupCICAMItem *item = (cMenuSetupCICAMItem *)Get(Current());
+  if (item) {
+     if (item->CiHandler()->Reset(item->Slot())) {
+        Skins.Message(mtInfo, tr("CAM has been reset"));
+        return osEnd;
+        }
+     else
+        Skins.Message(mtError, tr("Can't reset CAM!"));
+     }
+  return osContinue;
+eOSState cMenuSetupCICAM::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  eOSState state = cMenuSetupBase::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (state == osUnknown) {
+     switch (Key) {
+       case kRed:    return Menu();
+       case kGreen:  return Reset();
+       default: break;
+       }
+     }
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuSetupRecord ------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuSetupRecord : public cMenuSetupBase {
+  cMenuSetupRecord(void);
+  };
+  SetSection(tr("Recording"));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)"),     &data.MarginStart));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)"),      &data.MarginStop));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.Recording$Primary limit"),             &data.PrimaryLimit, 0, MAXPRIORITY));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.Recording$Default priority"),          &data.DefaultPriority, 0, MAXPRIORITY));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)"),      &data.DefaultLifetime, 0, MAXLIFETIME));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.Recording$Pause priority"),            &data.PausePriority, 0, MAXPRIORITY));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)"),        &data.PauseLifetime, 0, MAXLIFETIME));
+  Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Setup.Recording$Use episode name"),          &data.UseSubtitle));
+  Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Setup.Recording$Use VPS"),                   &data.UseVps));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)"),            &data.VpsMargin, 0));
+  Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording"),    &data.MarkInstantRecord));
+  Add(new cMenuEditStrItem( tr("Setup.Recording$Name instant recording"),     data.NameInstantRecord, sizeof(data.NameInstantRecord), tr(FileNameChars)));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)"),   &data.InstantRecordTime, 1, MAXINSTANTRECTIME));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)"), &data.MaxVideoFileSize, MINVIDEOFILESIZE, MAXVIDEOFILESIZE));
+  Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Setup.Recording$Split edited files"),        &data.SplitEditedFiles));
+// --- cMenuSetupReplay ------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuSetupReplay : public cMenuSetupBase {
+  virtual void Store(void);
+  cMenuSetupReplay(void);
+  };
+  SetSection(tr("Replay"));
+  Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode"), &data.MultiSpeedMode));
+  Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Setup.Replay$Show replay mode"), &data.ShowReplayMode));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Setup.Replay$Resume ID"), &data.ResumeID, 0, 99));
+void cMenuSetupReplay::Store(void)
+  if (Setup.ResumeID != data.ResumeID)
+     Recordings.ResetResume();
+  cMenuSetupBase::Store();
+// --- cMenuSetupMisc --------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuSetupMisc : public cMenuSetupBase {
+  cMenuSetupMisc(void);
+  };
+  SetSection(tr("Miscellaneous"));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)"),   &data.MinEventTimeout));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)"), &data.MinUserInactivity));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)"),          &data.SVDRPTimeout));
+  Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)"),            &data.ZapTimeout));
+// --- cMenuSetupPluginItem --------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuSetupPluginItem : public cOsdItem {
+  int pluginIndex;
+  cMenuSetupPluginItem(const char *Name, int Index);
+  int PluginIndex(void) { return pluginIndex; }
+  };
+cMenuSetupPluginItem::cMenuSetupPluginItem(const char *Name, int Index)
+  pluginIndex = Index;
+// --- cMenuSetupPlugins -----------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuSetupPlugins : public cMenuSetupBase {
+  cMenuSetupPlugins(void);
+  virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+  };
+  SetSection(tr("Plugins"));
+  SetHasHotkeys();
+  for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
+      cPlugin *p = cPluginManager::GetPlugin(i);
+      if (p) {
+         char *buffer = NULL;
+         asprintf(&buffer, "%s (%s) - %s", p->Name(), p->Version(), p->Description());
+         Add(new cMenuSetupPluginItem(hk(buffer), i));
+         free(buffer);
+         }
+      else
+         break;
+      }
+eOSState cMenuSetupPlugins::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  eOSState state = HasSubMenu() ? cMenuSetupBase::ProcessKey(Key) : cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
+  if (Key == kOk) {
+     if (state == osUnknown) {
+        cMenuSetupPluginItem *item = (cMenuSetupPluginItem *)Get(Current());
+        if (item) {
+           cPlugin *p = cPluginManager::GetPlugin(item->PluginIndex());
+           if (p) {
+              cMenuSetupPage *menu = p->SetupMenu();
+              if (menu) {
+                 menu->SetPlugin(p);
+                 return AddSubMenu(menu);
+                 }
+              Skins.Message(mtInfo, tr("This plugin has no setup parameters!"));
+              }
+           }
+        }
+     else if (state == osContinue)
+        Store();
+     }
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuSetup ------------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuSetup : public cOsdMenu {
+  virtual void Set(void);
+  eOSState Restart(void);
+  cMenuSetup(void);
+  virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+  };
+  Set();
+void cMenuSetup::Set(void)
+  Clear();
+  char buffer[64];
+  snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s - VDR %s", tr("Setup"), VDRVERSION);
+  SetTitle(buffer);
+  SetHasHotkeys();
+  Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("OSD")),           osUser1));
+  Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("EPG")),           osUser2));
+  Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("DVB")),           osUser3));
+  Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("LNB")),           osUser4));
+  Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("CICAM")),         osUser5));
+  Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Recording")),     osUser6));
+  Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Replay")),        osUser7));
+  Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Miscellaneous")), osUser8));
+  if (cPluginManager::HasPlugins())
+  Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Plugins")),       osUser9));
+  Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Restart")),       osUser10));
+eOSState cMenuSetup::Restart(void)
+  if (Interface->Confirm(cRecordControls::Active() ? tr("Recording - restart anyway?") : tr("Really restart?"))) {
+     cThread::EmergencyExit(true);
+     return osEnd;
+     }
+  return osContinue;
+eOSState cMenuSetup::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  int osdLanguage = Setup.OSDLanguage;
+  eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
+  switch (state) {
+    case osUser1: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSetupOSD);
+    case osUser2: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSetupEPG);
+    case osUser3: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSetupDVB);
+    case osUser4: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSetupLNB);
+    case osUser5: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSetupCICAM);
+    case osUser6: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSetupRecord);
+    case osUser7: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSetupReplay);
+    case osUser8: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSetupMisc);
+    case osUser9: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSetupPlugins);
+    case osUser10: return Restart();
+    default: ;
+    }
+  if (Setup.OSDLanguage != osdLanguage) {
+     Set();
+     if (!HasSubMenu())
+        Display();
+     }
+  return state;
+// --- cMenuPluginItem -------------------------------------------------------
+class cMenuPluginItem : public cOsdItem {
+  int pluginIndex;
+  cMenuPluginItem(const char *Name, int Index);
+  int PluginIndex(void) { return pluginIndex; }
+  };
+cMenuPluginItem::cMenuPluginItem(const char *Name, int Index)
+:cOsdItem(Name, osPlugin)
+  pluginIndex = Index;
+// --- cMenuMain -------------------------------------------------------------
+#define STOP_RECORDING tr(" Stop recording ")
+#define ON_PRIMARY_INTERFACE tr("on primary interface")
+cOsdObject *cMenuMain::pluginOsdObject = NULL;
+cMenuMain::cMenuMain(bool Replaying, eOSState State)
+  replaying = Replaying;
+  Set();
+  // Initial submenus:
+  switch (State) {
+    case osSchedule:   AddSubMenu(new cMenuSchedule); break;
+    case osChannels:   AddSubMenu(new cMenuChannels); break;
+    case osTimers:     AddSubMenu(new cMenuTimers); break;
+    case osRecordings: AddSubMenu(new cMenuRecordings(NULL, 0, true)); break;
+    case osSetup:      AddSubMenu(new cMenuSetup); break;
+    case osCommands:   AddSubMenu(new cMenuCommands(tr("Commands"), &Commands)); break;
+    default: break;
+    }
+cOsdObject *cMenuMain::PluginOsdObject(void)
+  cOsdObject *o = pluginOsdObject;
+  pluginOsdObject = NULL;
+  return o;
+void cMenuMain::Set(void)
+  Clear();
+  //XXX //SetTitle("VDR"); // this is done below, including disk usage
+  SetHasHotkeys();
+  // Title with disk usage:
+#define MB_PER_MINUTE 25.75 // this is just an estimate!
+  char buffer[40];
+  int FreeMB;
+  int Percent = VideoDiskSpace(&FreeMB);
+  int Minutes = int(double(FreeMB) / MB_PER_MINUTE);
+  int Hours = Minutes / 60;
+  Minutes %= 60;
+  snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s  -  %s %d%%  -  %2d:%02d %s", tr("VDR"), tr("Disk"), Percent, Hours, Minutes, tr("free"));
+  //XXX -> skin function!!!
+  SetTitle(buffer);
+  // Basic menu items:
+  Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Schedule")),   osSchedule));
+  Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Channels")),   osChannels));
+  Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Timers")),     osTimers));
+  Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Recordings")), osRecordings));
+  // Plugins:
+  for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
+      cPlugin *p = cPluginManager::GetPlugin(i);
+      if (p) {
+         const char *item = p->MainMenuEntry();
+         if (item)
+            Add(new cMenuPluginItem(hk(item), i));
+         }
+      else
+         break;
+      }
+  // More basic menu items:
+  Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Setup")),      osSetup));
+  if (Commands.Count())
+     Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Commands")),  osCommands));
+  // Replay control:
+  if (replaying)
+     Add(new cOsdItem(tr(" Stop replaying"), osStopReplay));
+  // Record control:
+  if (cRecordControls::StopPrimary()) {
+     char *buffer = NULL;
+     asprintf(&buffer, "%s%s", STOP_RECORDING, ON_PRIMARY_INTERFACE);
+     Add(new cOsdItem(buffer, osStopRecord));
+     free(buffer);
+     }
+  const char *s = NULL;
+  while ((s = cRecordControls::GetInstantId(s)) != NULL) {
+        char *buffer = NULL;
+        asprintf(&buffer, "%s%s", STOP_RECORDING, s);
+        Add(new cOsdItem(buffer, osStopRecord));
+        free(buffer);
+        }
+  // Editing control:
+  if (cCutter::Active())
+     Add(new cOsdItem(tr(" Cancel editing"), osCancelEdit));
+  // Color buttons:
+  SetHelp(!replaying ? tr("Record") : NULL, tr("Audio"), replaying ? NULL : tr("Pause"), replaying ? tr("Button$Stop") : cReplayControl::LastReplayed() ? tr("Resume") : NULL);
+  Display();
+eOSState cMenuMain::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  bool HadSubMenu = HasSubMenu();
+  int osdLanguage = Setup.OSDLanguage;
+  eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
+  HadSubMenu |= HasSubMenu();
+  switch (state) {
+    case osSchedule:   return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSchedule);
+    case osChannels:   return AddSubMenu(new cMenuChannels);
+    case osTimers:     return AddSubMenu(new cMenuTimers);
+    case osRecordings: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuRecordings);
+    case osSetup:      return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSetup);
+    case osCommands:   return AddSubMenu(new cMenuCommands(tr("Commands"), &Commands));
+    case osStopRecord: if (Interface->Confirm(tr("Stop recording?"))) {
+                          cOsdItem *item = Get(Current());
+                          if (item) {
+                             const char *s = item->Text() + strlen(STOP_RECORDING);
+                             if (strcmp(s, ON_PRIMARY_INTERFACE) == 0)
+                                cRecordControls::StopPrimary(true);
+                             else
+                                cRecordControls::Stop(item->Text() + strlen(STOP_RECORDING));
+                             return osEnd;
+                             }
+                          }
+                       break;
+    case osCancelEdit: if (Interface->Confirm(tr("Cancel editing?"))) {
+                          cCutter::Stop();
+                          return osEnd;
+                          }
+                       break;
+    case osPlugin:     {
+                         cMenuPluginItem *item = (cMenuPluginItem *)Get(Current());
+                         if (item) {
+                            cPlugin *p = cPluginManager::GetPlugin(item->PluginIndex());
+                            if (p) {
+                               cOsdObject *menu = p->MainMenuAction();
+                               if (menu) {
+                                  if (menu->IsMenu())
+                                     return AddSubMenu((cOsdMenu *)menu);
+                                  else {
+                                     pluginOsdObject = menu;
+                                     return osPlugin;
+                                     }
+                                  }
+                               }
+                            }
+                         state = osEnd;
+                       }
+                       break;
+    default: switch (Key) {
+               case kRecord:
+               case kRed:    if (!HadSubMenu)
+                                state = replaying ? osContinue : osRecord;
+                             break;
+               case kGreen:  if (!HadSubMenu) {
+                                cRemote::Put(kAudio, true);
+                                state = osEnd;
+                                }
+                             break;
+               case kYellow: if (!HadSubMenu)
+                                state = replaying ? osContinue : osPause;
+                             break;
+               case kBlue:   if (!HadSubMenu)
+                                state = replaying ? osStopReplay : cReplayControl::LastReplayed() ? osReplay : osContinue;
+                             break;
+               default:      break;
+               }
+    }
+  if (Key != kNone) {
+     if (Setup.OSDLanguage != osdLanguage) {
+        Set();
+        if (!HasSubMenu())
+           Display();
+        }
+     }
+  return state;
+// --- SetTrackDescriptions --------------------------------------------------
+static void SetTrackDescriptions(bool Live)
+  cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->ClrAvailableTracks(true);
+  const cComponents *Components = NULL;
+  cSchedulesLock SchedulesLock;
+  if (Live) {
+     cChannel *Channel = Channels.GetByNumber(cDevice::CurrentChannel());
+     if (Channel) {
+        const cSchedules *Schedules = cSchedules::Schedules(SchedulesLock);
+        if (Schedules) {
+           const cSchedule *Schedule = Schedules->GetSchedule(Channel->GetChannelID());
+           if (Schedule) {
+              const cEvent *Present = Schedule->GetPresentEvent(true);
+              if (Present)
+                 Components = Present->Components();
+              }
+           }
+        }
+     }
+  else if (cReplayControl::LastReplayed()) {
+     cThreadLock RecordingsLock(&Recordings);
+     cRecording *Recording = Recordings.GetByName(cReplayControl::LastReplayed());
+     if (Recording)
+        Components = Recording->Info()->Components();
+     }
+  if (Components) {
+     int indexAudio = 0;
+     int indexDolby = 0;
+     for (int i = 0; i < Components->NumComponents(); i++) {
+         const tComponent *p = Components->Component(i);
+         if (p->stream == 2) {
+            if (p->type == 0x05)
+               cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SetAvailableTrack(ttDolby, indexDolby++, 0, NULL, p->description);
+            else
+               cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SetAvailableTrack(ttAudio, indexAudio++, 0, NULL, p->description);
+            }
+         }
+     }
+// --- cDisplayChannel -------------------------------------------------------
+cDisplayChannel::cDisplayChannel(int Number, bool Switched)
+  group = -1;
+  withInfo = !Switched || Setup.ShowInfoOnChSwitch;
+  displayChannel = Skins.Current()->DisplayChannel(withInfo);
+  number = 0;
+  channel = Channels.GetByNumber(Number);
+  lastPresent = lastFollowing = NULL;
+  if (channel) {
+     DisplayChannel();
+     DisplayInfo();
+     displayChannel->Flush();
+     }
+  lastTime.Set();
+cDisplayChannel::cDisplayChannel(eKeys FirstKey)
+  group = -1;
+  number = 0;
+  lastPresent = lastFollowing = NULL;
+  lastTime.Set();
+  withInfo = Setup.ShowInfoOnChSwitch;
+  displayChannel = Skins.Current()->DisplayChannel(withInfo);
+  ProcessKey(FirstKey);
+  delete displayChannel;
+  cStatus::MsgOsdClear();
+void cDisplayChannel::DisplayChannel(void)
+  displayChannel->SetChannel(channel, number);
+  cStatus::MsgOsdChannel(ChannelString(channel, number));
+  lastPresent = lastFollowing = NULL;
+void cDisplayChannel::DisplayInfo(void)
+  if (withInfo && channel) {
+     cSchedulesLock SchedulesLock;
+     const cSchedules *Schedules = cSchedules::Schedules(SchedulesLock);
+     if (Schedules) {
+        const cSchedule *Schedule = Schedules->GetSchedule(channel->GetChannelID());
+        if (Schedule) {
+           const cEvent *Present = Schedule->GetPresentEvent(true);
+           const cEvent *Following = Schedule->GetFollowingEvent(true);
+           if (Present != lastPresent || Following != lastFollowing) {
+              SetTrackDescriptions(true);
+              displayChannel->SetEvents(Present, Following);
+              cStatus::MsgOsdProgramme(Present ? Present->StartTime() : 0, Present ? Present->Title() : NULL, Present ? Present->ShortText() : NULL, Following ? Following->StartTime() : 0, Following ? Following->Title() : NULL, Following ? Following->ShortText() : NULL);
+              lastPresent = Present;
+              lastFollowing = Following;
+              }
+           }
+        }
+     }
+void cDisplayChannel::Refresh(void)
+  channel = Channels.GetByNumber(cDevice::CurrentChannel());
+  DisplayChannel();
+  displayChannel->SetEvents(NULL, NULL);
+  lastTime.Set();
+eOSState cDisplayChannel::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  switch (Key) {
+    case k0:
+         if (number == 0) {
+            // keep the "Toggle channels" function working
+            cRemote::Put(Key);
+            return osEnd;
+            }
+    case k1 ... k9:
+         if (number >= 0) {
+            number = number * 10 + Key - k0;
+            if (number > 0) {
+               channel = Channels.GetByNumber(number);
+               displayChannel->SetEvents(NULL, NULL);
+               withInfo = false;
+               DisplayChannel();
+               lastTime.Set();
+               // Lets see if there can be any useful further input:
+               int n = channel ? number * 10 : 0;
+               cChannel *ch = channel;
+               while (ch && (ch = Channels.Next(ch)) != NULL) {
+                     if (!ch->GroupSep()) {
+                        if (n <= ch->Number() && ch->Number() <= n + 9) {
+                           n = 0;
+                           break;
+                           }
+                        if (ch->Number() > n)
+                           n *= 10;
+                        }
+                     }
+               if (n > 0) {
+                  // This channel is the only one that fits the input, so let's take it right away:
+                  displayChannel->Flush(); // makes sure the user sees his last input
+                  Channels.SwitchTo(number);
+                  return osEnd;
+                  }
+               }
+            }
+         break;
+    case kLeft|k_Repeat:
+    case kLeft:
+    case kRight|k_Repeat:
+    case kRight:
+         withInfo = false;
+         number = 0;
+         if (group < 0) {
+            cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByNumber(cDevice::CurrentChannel());
+            if (channel)
+               group = channel->Index();
+            }
+         if (group >= 0) {
+            int SaveGroup = group;
+            if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kRight)
+               group = Channels.GetNextGroup(group) ;
+            else
+               group = Channels.GetPrevGroup(group < 1 ? 1 : group);
+            if (group < 0)
+               group = SaveGroup;
+            channel = Channels.Get(group);
+            if (channel) {
+               displayChannel->SetEvents(NULL, NULL);
+               DisplayChannel();
+               if (!channel->GroupSep())
+                  group = -1;
+               }
+            }
+         lastTime.Set();
+         break;
+    case kUp|k_Repeat:
+    case kUp:
+    case kDown|k_Repeat:
+    case kDown:
+         cDevice::SwitchChannel(NORMALKEY(Key) == kUp ? 1 : -1);
+         // no break here
+    case kChanUp|k_Repeat:
+    case kChanUp:
+    case kChanDn|k_Repeat:
+    case kChanDn:
+         withInfo = true;
+         group = -1;
+         number = 0;
+         Refresh();
+         break;
+    case kNone:
+         if (number && lastTime.Elapsed() > DIRECTCHANNELTIMEOUT) {
+            if (Channels.GetByNumber(number))
+               Channels.SwitchTo(number);
+            else {
+               number = 0;
+               channel = NULL;
+               DisplayChannel();
+               lastTime.Set();
+               return osContinue;
+               }
+            return osEnd;
+            }
+         break;
+    //TODO
+    //XXX case kGreen:  return osEventNow;
+    //XXX case kYellow: return osEventNext;
+    case kOk:     if (group >= 0) {
+                     channel = Channels.Get(Channels.GetNextNormal(group));
+                     if (channel)
+                        Channels.SwitchTo(channel->Number());
+                     withInfo = true;
+                     group = -1;
+                     Refresh();
+                     break;
+                     }
+                  else if (number > 0 && channel)
+                     Channels.SwitchTo(number);
+                  return osEnd;
+    default:      if ((Key & (k_Repeat | k_Release)) == 0) {
+                     cRemote::Put(Key);
+                     return osEnd;
+                     }
+    };
+  if (lastTime.Elapsed() < (uint64)(Setup.ChannelInfoTime * 1000)) {
+     if (!number && group < 0 && channel && channel->Number() != cDevice::CurrentChannel())
+        Refresh(); // makes sure a channel switch through the SVDRP CHAN command is displayed
+     DisplayInfo();
+     displayChannel->Flush();
+     return osContinue;
+     }
+  return osEnd;
+// --- cDisplayVolume --------------------------------------------------------
+#define VOLUMETIMEOUT 1000 //ms
+#define MUTETIMEOUT   5000 //ms
+cDisplayVolume *cDisplayVolume::currentDisplayVolume = NULL;
+  currentDisplayVolume = this;
+  timeout.Set(cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->IsMute() ? MUTETIMEOUT : VOLUMETIMEOUT);
+  displayVolume = Skins.Current()->DisplayVolume();
+  Show();
+  delete displayVolume;
+  currentDisplayVolume = NULL;
+void cDisplayVolume::Show(void)
+  displayVolume->SetVolume(cDevice::CurrentVolume(), MAXVOLUME, cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->IsMute());
+cDisplayVolume *cDisplayVolume::Create(void)
+  if (!currentDisplayVolume)
+     new cDisplayVolume;
+  return currentDisplayVolume;
+void cDisplayVolume::Process(eKeys Key)
+  if (currentDisplayVolume)
+     currentDisplayVolume->ProcessKey(Key);
+eOSState cDisplayVolume::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  switch (Key) {
+    case kVolUp|k_Repeat:
+    case kVolUp:
+    case kVolDn|k_Repeat:
+    case kVolDn:
+         Show();
+         timeout.Set(VOLUMETIMEOUT);
+         break;
+    case kMute:
+         if (cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->IsMute()) {
+            Show();
+            timeout.Set(MUTETIMEOUT);
+            }
+         else
+            timeout.Set();
+         break;
+    case kNone: break;
+    default: if ((Key & k_Release) == 0) {
+                cRemote::Put(Key);
+                return osEnd;
+                }
+    }
+  return timeout.TimedOut() ? osEnd : osContinue;
+// --- cDisplayTracks --------------------------------------------------------
+#define TRACKTIMEOUT 5000 //ms
+cDisplayTracks *cDisplayTracks::currentDisplayTracks = NULL;
+  cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->EnsureAudioTrack();
+  SetTrackDescriptions(!cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->Replaying() || cTransferControl::ReceiverDevice());
+  currentDisplayTracks = this;
+  numTracks = track = 0;
+  audioChannel = cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->GetAudioChannel();
+  eTrackType CurrentAudioTrack = cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->GetCurrentAudioTrack();
+  for (int i = ttAudioFirst; i <= ttDolbyLast; i++) {
+      const tTrackId *TrackId = cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->GetTrack(eTrackType(i));
+      if (TrackId && TrackId->id) {
+         types[numTracks] = eTrackType(i);
+         descriptions[numTracks] = strdup(*TrackId->description ? TrackId->description : *TrackId->language ? TrackId->language : *itoa(i));
+         if (i == CurrentAudioTrack)
+            track = numTracks;
+         numTracks++;
+         }
+      }
+  timeout.Set(TRACKTIMEOUT);
+  displayTracks = Skins.Current()->DisplayTracks(tr("Audio"), numTracks, descriptions);
+  Show();
+  delete displayTracks;
+  currentDisplayTracks = NULL;
+  for (int i = 0; i < numTracks; i++)
+      free(descriptions[i]);
+  cStatus::MsgOsdClear();
+void cDisplayTracks::Show(void)
+  int ac = IS_AUDIO_TRACK(types[track]) ? audioChannel : -1;
+  displayTracks->SetTrack(track, descriptions);
+  displayTracks->SetAudioChannel(ac);
+  displayTracks->Flush();
+  cStatus::MsgSetAudioTrack(track, descriptions);
+  cStatus::MsgSetAudioChannel(ac);
+cDisplayTracks *cDisplayTracks::Create(void)
+  if (cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->NumAudioTracks() > 0) {
+     if (!currentDisplayTracks)
+        new cDisplayTracks;
+     return currentDisplayTracks;
+     }
+  Skins.Message(mtWarning, tr("No audio available!"));
+  return NULL;
+void cDisplayTracks::Process(eKeys Key)
+  if (currentDisplayTracks)
+     currentDisplayTracks->ProcessKey(Key);
+eOSState cDisplayTracks::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  int oldTrack = track;
+  int oldAudioChannel = audioChannel;
+  switch (Key) {
+    case kUp|k_Repeat:
+    case kUp:
+    case kDown|k_Repeat:
+    case kDown:
+         if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kUp && track > 0)
+            track--;
+         else if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kDown && track < numTracks - 1)
+            track++;
+         timeout.Set(TRACKTIMEOUT);
+         break;
+    case kLeft|k_Repeat:
+    case kLeft:
+    case kRight|k_Repeat:
+    case kRight: if (IS_AUDIO_TRACK(types[track])) {
+                    static int ac[] = { 1, 0, 2 };
+                    audioChannel = ac[cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->GetAudioChannel()];
+                    if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kLeft && audioChannel > 0)
+                       audioChannel--;
+                    else if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kRight && audioChannel < 2)
+                       audioChannel++;
+                    audioChannel = ac[audioChannel];
+                    timeout.Set(TRACKTIMEOUT);
+                    }
+         break;
+    case kAudio|k_Repeat:
+    case kAudio:
+         if (++track >= numTracks)
+            track = 0;
+         timeout.Set(TRACKTIMEOUT);
+         break;
+    case kOk:
+         if (track != cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->GetCurrentAudioTrack())
+            oldTrack = -1; // make sure we explicitly switch to that track
+         timeout.Set();
+         break;
+    case kNone: break;
+    default: if ((Key & k_Release) == 0)
+                return osEnd;
+    }
+  if (track != oldTrack || audioChannel != oldAudioChannel)
+     Show();
+  if (track != oldTrack) {
+     cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SetCurrentAudioTrack(types[track]);
+     Setup.CurrentDolby = IS_DOLBY_TRACK(types[track]);
+     }
+  if (audioChannel != oldAudioChannel)
+     cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SetAudioChannel(audioChannel);
+  return timeout.TimedOut() ? osEnd : osContinue;
+// --- cRecordControl --------------------------------------------------------
+cRecordControl::cRecordControl(cDevice *Device, cTimer *Timer, bool Pause)
+  // We're going to manipulate an event here, so we need to prevent
+  // others from modifying any EPG data:
+  cSchedulesLock SchedulesLock;
+  cSchedules::Schedules(SchedulesLock);
+  event = NULL;
+  instantId = NULL;
+  fileName = NULL;
+  recorder = NULL;
+  device = Device;
+  if (!device) device = cDevice::PrimaryDevice();//XXX
+  timer = Timer;
+  if (!timer) {
+     timer = new cTimer(true, Pause);
+     Timers.Add(timer);
+     Timers.SetModified();
+     asprintf(&instantId, cDevice::NumDevices() > 1 ? "%s - %d" : "%s", timer->Channel()->Name(), device->CardIndex() + 1);
+     }
+  timer->SetPending(true);
+  timer->SetRecording(true);
+  event = timer->Event();
+  if (event || GetEvent())
+     dsyslog("Title: '%s' Subtitle: '%s'", event->Title(), event->ShortText());
+  cRecording Recording(timer, event);
+  fileName = strdup(Recording.FileName());
+  // crude attempt to avoid duplicate recordings:
+  if (cRecordControls::GetRecordControl(fileName)) {
+     isyslog("already recording: '%s'", fileName);
+     if (Timer) {
+        timer->SetPending(false);
+        timer->SetRecording(false);
+        timer->OnOff();
+        }
+     else {
+        Timers.Del(timer);
+        Timers.SetModified();
+        if (!cReplayControl::LastReplayed()) // an instant recording, maybe from cRecordControls::PauseLiveVideo()
+           cReplayControl::SetRecording(fileName, Recording.Name());
+        }
+     timer = NULL;
+     return;
+     }
+  cRecordingUserCommand::InvokeCommand(RUC_BEFORERECORDING, fileName);
+  isyslog("record %s", fileName);
+  if (MakeDirs(fileName, true)) {
+     const cChannel *ch = timer->Channel();
+     recorder = new cRecorder(fileName, ch->Ca(), timer->Priority(), ch->Vpid(), ch->Apids(), ch->Dpids(), ch->Spids());
+     if (device->AttachReceiver(recorder)) {
+        Recording.WriteInfo();
+        cStatus::MsgRecording(device, Recording.Name());
+        if (!Timer && !cReplayControl::LastReplayed()) // an instant recording, maybe from cRecordControls::PauseLiveVideo()
+           cReplayControl::SetRecording(fileName, Recording.Name());
+        Recordings.AddByName(fileName);
+        return;
+        }
+     else
+        DELETENULL(recorder);
+     }
+  if (!Timer) {
+     Timers.Del(timer);
+     Timers.SetModified();
+     timer = NULL;
+     }
+  Stop();
+  free(instantId);
+  free(fileName);
+#define INSTANT_REC_EPG_LOOKAHEAD 300 // seconds to look into the EPG data for an instant recording
+bool cRecordControl::GetEvent(void)
+  const cChannel *channel = timer->Channel();
+  time_t Time = timer->HasFlags(tfInstant) ? timer->StartTime() + INSTANT_REC_EPG_LOOKAHEAD : timer->StartTime() + (timer->StopTime() - timer->StartTime()) / 2;
+  for (int seconds = 0; seconds <= MAXWAIT4EPGINFO; seconds++) {
+      {
+        cSchedulesLock SchedulesLock;
+        const cSchedules *Schedules = cSchedules::Schedules(SchedulesLock);
+        if (Schedules) {
+           const cSchedule *Schedule = Schedules->GetSchedule(channel->GetChannelID());
+           if (Schedule) {
+              event = Schedule->GetEventAround(Time);
+              if (event) {
+                 if (seconds > 0)
+                    dsyslog("got EPG info after %d seconds", seconds);
+                 return true;
+                 }
+              }
+           }
+      }
+      if (seconds == 0)
+         dsyslog("waiting for EPG info...");
+      sleep(1);
+      }
+  dsyslog("no EPG info available");
+  return false;
+void cRecordControl::Stop(void)
+  if (timer) {
+     DELETENULL(recorder);
+     timer->SetRecording(false);
+     timer = NULL;
+     cStatus::MsgRecording(device, NULL);
+     cRecordingUserCommand::InvokeCommand(RUC_AFTERRECORDING, fileName);
+     }
+bool cRecordControl::Process(time_t t)
+  if (!recorder || !timer || !timer->Matches(t))
+     return false;
+  AssertFreeDiskSpace(timer->Priority());
+  return true;
+// --- cRecordControls -------------------------------------------------------
+cRecordControl *cRecordControls::RecordControls[MAXRECORDCONTROLS] = { NULL };
+bool cRecordControls::Start(cTimer *Timer, bool Pause)
+  int ch = Timer ? Timer->Channel()->Number() : cDevice::CurrentChannel();
+  cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByNumber(ch);
+  if (channel) {
+     bool NeedsDetachReceivers = false;
+     int Priority = Timer ? Timer->Priority() : Pause ? Setup.PausePriority : Setup.DefaultPriority;
+     cDevice *device = cDevice::GetDevice(channel, Priority, &NeedsDetachReceivers);
+     if (device) {
+        if (NeedsDetachReceivers) {
+           Stop(device);
+           if (device == cTransferControl::ReceiverDevice())
+              cControl::Shutdown(); // in case this device was used for Transfer Mode
+           }
+        dsyslog("switching device %d to channel %d", device->DeviceNumber() + 1, channel->Number());
+        if (!device->SwitchChannel(channel, false)) {
+           cThread::EmergencyExit(true);
+           return false;
+           }
+        if (!Timer || Timer->Matches()) {
+           for (int i = 0; i < MAXRECORDCONTROLS; i++) {
+               if (!RecordControls[i]) {
+                  RecordControls[i] = new cRecordControl(device, Timer, Pause);
+                  return RecordControls[i]->Process(time(NULL));
+                  }
+               }
+           }
+        }
+     else if (!Timer || (Timer->Priority() >= Setup.PrimaryLimit && !Timer->Pending()))
+        isyslog("no free DVB device to record channel %d!", ch);
+     }
+  else
+     esyslog("ERROR: channel %d not defined!", ch);
+  return false;
+void cRecordControls::Stop(const char *InstantId)
+  for (int i = 0; i < MAXRECORDCONTROLS; i++) {
+      if (RecordControls[i]) {
+         const char *id = RecordControls[i]->InstantId();
+         if (id && strcmp(id, InstantId) == 0) {
+            cTimer *timer = RecordControls[i]->Timer();
+            RecordControls[i]->Stop();
+            if (timer) {
+               isyslog("deleting timer %s", *timer->ToDescr());
+               Timers.Del(timer);
+               Timers.SetModified();
+               }
+            break;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+void cRecordControls::Stop(cDevice *Device)
+  for (int i = 0; i < MAXRECORDCONTROLS; i++) {
+      if (RecordControls[i]) {
+         if (RecordControls[i]->Device() == Device) {
+            isyslog("stopping recording on DVB device %d due to higher priority", Device->CardIndex() + 1);
+            RecordControls[i]->Stop();
+            }
+         }
+      }
+bool cRecordControls::StopPrimary(bool DoIt)
+  if (cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->Receiving()) {
+     //XXX+ disabled for the moment - might become obsolete with DVB_DRIVER_VERSION >= 2002090101
+     cDevice *device = NULL;//XXX cDevice::GetDevice(cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->Ca(), 0);
+     if (device) {
+        if (DoIt)
+           Stop(cDevice::PrimaryDevice());
+        return true;
+        }
+     }
+  return false;
+bool cRecordControls::PauseLiveVideo(void)
+  Skins.Message(mtStatus, tr("Pausing live video..."));
+  cReplayControl::SetRecording(NULL, NULL); // make sure the new cRecordControl will set cReplayControl::LastReplayed()
+  if (Start(NULL, true)) {
+     sleep(2); // allow recorded file to fill up enough to start replaying
+     cReplayControl *rc = new cReplayControl;
+     cControl::Launch(rc);
+     cControl::Attach();
+     sleep(1); // allow device to replay some frames, so we have a picture
+     Skins.Message(mtStatus, NULL);
+     rc->ProcessKey(kPause); // pause, allowing replay mode display
+     return true;
+     }
+  Skins.Message(mtStatus, NULL);
+  return false;
+const char *cRecordControls::GetInstantId(const char *LastInstantId)
+  for (int i = 0; i < MAXRECORDCONTROLS; i++) {
+      if (RecordControls[i]) {
+         if (!LastInstantId && RecordControls[i]->InstantId())
+            return RecordControls[i]->InstantId();
+         if (LastInstantId && LastInstantId == RecordControls[i]->InstantId())
+            LastInstantId = NULL;
+         }
+      }
+  return NULL;
+cRecordControl *cRecordControls::GetRecordControl(const char *FileName)
+  for (int i = 0; i < MAXRECORDCONTROLS; i++) {
+      if (RecordControls[i] && strcmp(RecordControls[i]->FileName(), FileName) == 0)
+         return RecordControls[i];
+      }
+  return NULL;
+void cRecordControls::Process(time_t t)
+  for (int i = 0; i < MAXRECORDCONTROLS; i++) {
+      if (RecordControls[i]) {
+         if (!RecordControls[i]->Process(t))
+            DELETENULL(RecordControls[i]);
+         }
+      }
+void cRecordControls::ChannelDataModified(cChannel *Channel)
+  for (int i = 0; i < MAXRECORDCONTROLS; i++) {
+      if (RecordControls[i]) {
+         if (RecordControls[i]->Timer() && RecordControls[i]->Timer()->Channel() == Channel) {
+            if (RecordControls[i]->Device()->ProvidesTransponder(Channel)) { // avoids retune on devices that don't really access the transponder
+               isyslog("stopping recording due to modification of channel %d", Channel->Number());
+               RecordControls[i]->Stop();
+               // This will restart the recording, maybe even from a different
+               // device in case conditional access has changed.
+               }
+            }
+         }
+      }
+bool cRecordControls::Active(void)
+  for (int i = 0; i < MAXRECORDCONTROLS; i++) {
+      if (RecordControls[i])
+         return true;
+      }
+  return false;
+void cRecordControls::Shutdown(void)
+  for (int i = 0; i < MAXRECORDCONTROLS; i++)
+      DELETENULL(RecordControls[i]);
+// --- cReplayControl --------------------------------------------------------
+char *cReplayControl::fileName = NULL;
+char *cReplayControl::title = NULL;
+  displayReplay = NULL;
+  visible = modeOnly = shown = displayFrames = false;
+  lastCurrent = lastTotal = -1;
+  lastPlay = lastForward = false;
+  lastSpeed = -1;
+  timeoutShow = 0;
+  timeSearchActive = false;
+  marks.Load(fileName);
+  cRecording Recording(fileName);
+  cStatus::MsgReplaying(this, Recording.Name());
+  Hide();
+  cStatus::MsgReplaying(this, NULL);
+  Stop();
+void cReplayControl::SetRecording(const char *FileName, const char *Title)
+  free(fileName);
+  free(title);
+  fileName = FileName ? strdup(FileName) : NULL;
+  title = Title ? strdup(Title) : NULL;
+const char *cReplayControl::LastReplayed(void)
+  return fileName;
+void cReplayControl::ClearLastReplayed(const char *FileName)
+  if (fileName && FileName && strcmp(fileName, FileName) == 0) {
+     free(fileName);
+     fileName = NULL;
+     }
+void cReplayControl::ShowTimed(int Seconds)
+  if (modeOnly)
+     Hide();
+  if (!visible) {
+     shown = ShowProgress(true);
+     timeoutShow = (shown && Seconds > 0) ? time(NULL) + Seconds : 0;
+     }
+void cReplayControl::Show(void)
+  ShowTimed();
+void cReplayControl::Hide(void)
+  if (visible) {
+     delete displayReplay;
+     displayReplay = NULL;
+     needsFastResponse = visible = false;
+     modeOnly = false;
+     lastPlay = lastForward = false;
+     lastSpeed = -1;
+     timeSearchActive = false;
+     }
+void cReplayControl::ShowMode(void)
+  if (visible || Setup.ShowReplayMode && !cOsd::IsOpen()) {
+     bool Play, Forward;
+     int Speed;
+     if (GetReplayMode(Play, Forward, Speed) && (!visible || Play != lastPlay || Forward != lastForward || Speed != lastSpeed)) {
+        bool NormalPlay = (Play && Speed == -1);
+        if (!visible) {
+           if (NormalPlay)
+              return; // no need to do indicate ">" unless there was a different mode displayed before
+           visible = modeOnly = true;
+           displayReplay = Skins.Current()->DisplayReplay(modeOnly);
+           }
+        if (modeOnly && !timeoutShow && NormalPlay)
+           timeoutShow = time(NULL) + MODETIMEOUT;
+        displayReplay->SetMode(Play, Forward, Speed);
+        lastPlay = Play;
+        lastForward = Forward;
+        lastSpeed = Speed;
+        }
+     }
+bool cReplayControl::ShowProgress(bool Initial)
+  int Current, Total;
+  if (GetIndex(Current, Total) && Total > 0) {
+     if (!visible) {
+        displayReplay = Skins.Current()->DisplayReplay(modeOnly);
+        displayReplay->SetMarks(&marks);
+        needsFastResponse = visible = true;
+        }
+     if (Initial) {
+        if (title)
+           displayReplay->SetTitle(title);
+        lastCurrent = lastTotal = -1;
+        }
+     if (Total != lastTotal) {
+        displayReplay->SetTotal(IndexToHMSF(Total));
+        if (!Initial)
+           displayReplay->Flush();
+        }
+     if (Current != lastCurrent || Total != lastTotal) {
+        displayReplay->SetProgress(Current, Total);
+        if (!Initial)
+           displayReplay->Flush();
+        displayReplay->SetCurrent(IndexToHMSF(Current, displayFrames));
+        displayReplay->Flush();
+        lastCurrent = Current;
+        }
+     lastTotal = Total;
+     ShowMode();
+     return true;
+     }
+  return false;
+void cReplayControl::TimeSearchDisplay(void)
+  char buf[64];
+  strcpy(buf, tr("Jump: "));
+  int len = strlen(buf);
+  char h10 = '0' + (timeSearchTime >> 24);
+  char h1  = '0' + ((timeSearchTime & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
+  char m10 = '0' + ((timeSearchTime & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
+  char m1  = '0' + (timeSearchTime & 0x000000FF);
+  char ch10 = timeSearchPos > 3 ? h10 : '-';
+  char ch1  = timeSearchPos > 2 ? h1  : '-';
+  char cm10 = timeSearchPos > 1 ? m10 : '-';
+  char cm1  = timeSearchPos > 0 ? m1  : '-';
+  sprintf(buf + len, "%c%c:%c%c", ch10, ch1, cm10, cm1);
+  displayReplay->SetJump(buf);
+void cReplayControl::TimeSearchProcess(eKeys Key)
+  int Seconds = (timeSearchTime >> 24) * 36000 + ((timeSearchTime & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) * 3600 + ((timeSearchTime & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) * 600 + (timeSearchTime & 0x000000FF) * 60;
+  int Current = (lastCurrent / FRAMESPERSEC);
+  int Total = (lastTotal / FRAMESPERSEC);
+  switch (Key) {
+    case k0 ... k9:
+         if (timeSearchPos < 4) {
+            timeSearchTime <<= 8;
+            timeSearchTime |= Key - k0;
+            timeSearchPos++;
+            TimeSearchDisplay();
+            }
+         break;
+    case kFastRew:
+    case kLeft:
+    case kFastFwd:
+    case kRight: {
+         int dir = ((Key == kRight || Key == kFastFwd) ? 1 : -1);
+         if (dir > 0)
+            Seconds = min(Total - Current - STAY_SECONDS_OFF_END, Seconds);
+         SkipSeconds(Seconds * dir);
+         timeSearchActive = false;
+         }
+         break;
+    case kPlay:
+    case kUp:
+    case kPause:
+    case kDown:
+         Seconds = min(Total - STAY_SECONDS_OFF_END, Seconds);
+         Goto(Seconds * FRAMESPERSEC, Key == kDown || Key == kPause);
+         timeSearchActive = false;
+         break;
+    default:
+         timeSearchActive = false;
+         break;
+    }
+  if (!timeSearchActive) {
+     if (timeSearchHide)
+        Hide();
+     else
+        displayReplay->SetJump(NULL);
+     ShowMode();
+     }
+void cReplayControl::TimeSearch(void)
+  timeSearchTime = timeSearchPos = 0;
+  timeSearchHide = false;
+  if (modeOnly)
+     Hide();
+  if (!visible) {
+     Show();
+     if (visible)
+        timeSearchHide = true;
+     else
+        return;
+     }
+  timeoutShow = 0;
+  TimeSearchDisplay();
+  timeSearchActive = true;
+void cReplayControl::MarkToggle(void)
+  int Current, Total;
+  if (GetIndex(Current, Total, true)) {
+     cMark *m = marks.Get(Current);
+     lastCurrent = -1; // triggers redisplay
+     if (m)
+        marks.Del(m);
+     else {
+        marks.Add(Current);
+        ShowTimed(2);
+        bool Play, Forward;
+        int Speed;
+        if (GetReplayMode(Play, Forward, Speed) && !Play)
+           Goto(Current, true);
+        }
+     marks.Save();
+     }
+void cReplayControl::MarkJump(bool Forward)
+  if (marks.Count()) {
+     int Current, Total;
+     if (GetIndex(Current, Total)) {
+        cMark *m = Forward ? marks.GetNext(Current) : marks.GetPrev(Current);
+        if (m) {
+           Goto(m->position, true);
+           displayFrames = true;
+           }
+        }
+     }
+void cReplayControl::MarkMove(bool Forward)
+  int Current, Total;
+  if (GetIndex(Current, Total)) {
+     cMark *m = marks.Get(Current);
+     if (m) {
+        displayFrames = true;
+        int p = SkipFrames(Forward ? 1 : -1);
+        cMark *m2;
+        if (Forward) {
+           if ((m2 = marks.Next(m)) != NULL && m2->position <= p)
+              return;
+           }
+        else {
+           if ((m2 = marks.Prev(m)) != NULL && m2->position >= p)
+              return;
+           }
+        Goto(m->position = p, true);
+        marks.Save();
+        }
+     }
+void cReplayControl::EditCut(void)
+  if (fileName) {
+     Hide();
+     if (!cCutter::Active()) {
+        if (!marks.Count())
+           Skins.Message(mtError, tr("No editing marks defined!"));
+        else if (!cCutter::Start(fileName))
+           Skins.Message(mtError, tr("Can't start editing process!"));
+        else
+           Skins.Message(mtInfo, tr("Editing process started"));
+        }
+     else
+        Skins.Message(mtError, tr("Editing process already active!"));
+     ShowMode();
+     }
+void cReplayControl::EditTest(void)
+  int Current, Total;
+  if (GetIndex(Current, Total)) {
+     cMark *m = marks.Get(Current);
+     if (!m)
+        m = marks.GetNext(Current);
+     if (m) {
+        if ((m->Index() & 0x01) != 0)
+           m = marks.Next(m);
+        if (m) {
+           Goto(m->position - SecondsToFrames(3));
+           Play();
+           }
+        }
+     }
+eOSState cReplayControl::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+  if (!Active())
+     return osEnd;
+  if (visible) {
+     if (timeoutShow && time(NULL) > timeoutShow) {
+        Hide();
+        ShowMode();
+        timeoutShow = 0;
+        }
+     else if (modeOnly)
+        ShowMode();
+     else
+        shown = ShowProgress(!shown) || shown;
+     }
+  bool DisplayedFrames = displayFrames;
+  displayFrames = false;
+  if (timeSearchActive && Key != kNone) {
+     TimeSearchProcess(Key);
+     return osContinue;
+     }
+  bool DoShowMode = true;
+  switch (Key) {
+    // Positioning:
+    case kPlay:
+    case kUp:      Play(); break;
+    case kPause:
+    case kDown:    Pause(); break;
+    case kFastRew|k_Release:
+    case kLeft|k_Release:
+                   if (Setup.MultiSpeedMode) break;
+    case kFastRew:
+    case kLeft:    Backward(); break;
+    case kFastFwd|k_Release:
+    case kRight|k_Release:
+                   if (Setup.MultiSpeedMode) break;
+    case kFastFwd:
+    case kRight:   Forward(); break;
+    case kRed:     TimeSearch(); break;
+    case kGreen|k_Repeat:
+    case kGreen:   SkipSeconds(-60); break;
+    case kYellow|k_Repeat:
+    case kYellow:  SkipSeconds( 60); break;
+    case kStop:
+    case kBlue:    Hide();
+                   Stop();
+                   return osEnd;
+    default: {
+      DoShowMode = false;
+      switch (Key) {
+        // Editing:
+        case kMarkToggle:      MarkToggle(); break;
+        case kMarkJumpBack|k_Repeat:
+        case kMarkJumpBack:    MarkJump(false); break;
+        case kMarkJumpForward|k_Repeat:
+        case kMarkJumpForward: MarkJump(true); break;
+        case kMarkMoveBack|k_Repeat:
+        case kMarkMoveBack:    MarkMove(false); break;
+        case kMarkMoveForward|k_Repeat:
+        case kMarkMoveForward: MarkMove(true); break;
+        case kEditCut:         EditCut(); break;
+        case kEditTest:        EditTest(); break;
+        default: {
+          displayFrames = DisplayedFrames;
+          switch (Key) {
+            // Menu control:
+            case kOk:      if (visible && !modeOnly) {
+                              Hide();
+                              DoShowMode = true;
+                              }
+                           else
+                              Show();
+                           break;
+            case kBack:    return osRecordings;
+            default:       return osUnknown;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  if (DoShowMode)
+     ShowMode();
+  return osContinue;