RFC: recording strategy on timer conflicts

Message ID 200605200840.48851.cwieninger@gmx.de
State New

Commit Message

Christian Wieninger May 20, 2006, 6:40 a.m. UTC

I'm currently working on a tool that checks for timer conflicts and became 
aware of the following problem:

Suppose you have the following 3 timers on a system with two DVB cards:

nr. transponder - start - priority
1. A - 20:10 - 45
2. B - 20:10 - 5
3. C - 20:11 - 50

A,B,C are different transponders. VDR will start recording from transponder A 
at 20:10 with device 2. The same for transponder B with device 1.
At 20:11 we have a conflict and IMHO VDR should stop timer 2 and start timer 3 
on device 1.
But when I check the logs the following occures: 
VDR first stops timer 1 on device 2 and starts timer 3 on device 2. Then it 
recognizes the pending timer 1 with higher priority than the running timer 2 
and stops this one. So in the end all is fine, but there is a small break 
about 1-2 seconds in recording 1.
The problem is, that cDevice::GetDevice handles the two devices in this case 
with the same priority and therefore returns the device with the highest 
number. I think one could fix this with a small change (patch against 1.4.0 
is attached), but the whole thing is really complicated and I do not have a 
real deep insight in the side effects ;-) , so perhaps you could give a 
comment on this.




Christian Wieninger May 22, 2006, 6:44 p.m. UTC | #1
Am Samstag, 20. Mai 2006 08:40 schrieb Christian Wieninger:
> The problem is, that cDevice::GetDevice handles the two devices in this
> case with the same priority and therefore returns the device with the
> highest number. I think one could fix this with a small change (patch
> against 1.4.0 is attached), but the whole thing is really complicated and I
> do not have a real deep insight in the side effects ;-) , so perhaps you
> could give a comment on this.

no comment on this? ;-)

Andreas Brugger May 22, 2006, 6:58 p.m. UTC | #2
Christian Wieninger schrieb:

>I'm currently working on a tool that checks for timer conflicts and became 
>aware of the following problem:
>Suppose you have the following 3 timers on a system with two DVB cards:
>nr. transponder - start - priority
>1. A - 20:10 - 45
>2. B - 20:10 - 5
>3. C - 20:11 - 50
>A,B,C are different transponders. VDR will start recording from transponder A 
>at 20:10 with device 2. The same for transponder B with device 1.
>At 20:11 we have a conflict and IMHO VDR should stop timer 2 and start timer 3 
>on device 1.
>But when I check the logs the following occures: 
>VDR first stops timer 1 on device 2 and starts timer 3 on device 2. Then it 
>recognizes the pending timer 1 with higher priority than the running timer 2 
>and stops this one. So in the end all is fine, but there is a small break 
>about 1-2 seconds in recording 1.
>The problem is, that cDevice::GetDevice handles the two devices in this case 
>with the same priority and therefore returns the device with the highest 
>number. I think one could fix this with a small change (patch against 1.4.0 
>is attached), but the whole thing is really complicated and I do not have a 
>real deep insight in the side effects ;-) , so perhaps you could give a 
>comment on this.
Was this the case also with older VDR-versions? I always thought that 
VDR behaves the way you also expected and avoids interrupting a 
recording ...

I don't have a in depth look into this code either, but shouldn't 
cDevice::GetDevice already only prefer device 1 (the one recording timer 
2). As it loops through the devices it should give device 1 the priority 
5 and as it comes to device 2 it should evaluate it to priority 7, as 
Priority of the device 2 is not smaller than the Priority of device 1 
(which is one of the conditions for priority 5).
Is that right, or am I missing something here? But why does VDR stop 
both timers?

Andreas Brugger
Christian Wieninger May 22, 2006, 10:18 p.m. UTC | #3
Am Montag, 22. Mai 2006 20:58 schrieb Andreas Brugger:
> Was this the case also with older VDR-versions? I always thought that
> VDR behaves the way you also expected and avoids interrupting a
> recording ...

Atleast with 1.3.44 and above the problem exists.

> I don't have a in depth look into this code either, but shouldn't
> cDevice::GetDevice already only prefer device 1 (the one recording timer
> 2). As it loops through the devices it should give device 1 the priority
> 5 and as it comes to device 2 it should evaluate it to priority 7, as
> Priority of the device 2 is not smaller than the Priority of device 1
> (which is one of the conditions for priority 5).

With 'Priority' you probably mean the variable 'pri' used in GetDevice?
In the case described before, GetDevice (1.4.0) sets 'pri' to 8 for both 
devices: The first loop for device 1 has no previously selected device ('d') 
and so 'pri' is set to 8, since device 1 is receiving. In the second loop 
device 2 has priority bigger than device 1 and so again 'pri' is set to 8.
So device 2 will be returned resulting in a short break of recording 1 with 
priority 45.

The idea of my patch is to stretch the pri-value to MAXPRIORITY+1 and to add 
the current priority of the receiving device in this case. Perhaps it would 
even be a better approach to add the device priority in any case if a device 
is currently receiving. 

Andreas Brugger May 23, 2006, 4:30 p.m. UTC | #4
Christian Wieninger schrieb:

>>I don't have a in depth look into this code either, but shouldn't
>>cDevice::GetDevice already only prefer device 1 (the one recording timer
>>2). As it loops through the devices it should give device 1 the priority
>>5 and as it comes to device 2 it should evaluate it to priority 7, as
>>Priority of the device 2 is not smaller than the Priority of device 1
>>(which is one of the conditions for priority 5).
>With 'Priority' you probably mean the variable 'pri' used in GetDevice?
Yes thats right.

>In the case described before, GetDevice (1.4.0) sets 'pri' to 8 for both 
>devices: The first loop for device 1 has no previously selected device ('d') 
>and so 'pri' is set to 8, since device 1 is receiving. In the second loop 
>device 2 has priority bigger than device 1 and so again 'pri' is set to 8.
>So device 2 will be returned resulting in a short break of recording 1 with 
>priority 45.
>The idea of my patch is to stretch the pri-value to MAXPRIORITY+1 and to add 
>the current priority of the receiving device in this case. Perhaps it would 
>even be a better approach to add the device priority in any case if a device 
>is currently receiving. 
Oh, that was a stupid misinterpretation from me. You are right of course.
I think there is the general problem of the cDevice::GetDevice-Routine 
that in the first run there is no selected device. This should effect 
all the conditions where there is a check for d != NULL, so maybe the 
easiest fix is to set the Device in the beginning of the routine to one 
of the devices (first or last):

> -  cDevice *d = NULL;
> +  cDevice *d = device[0]; // or device[numDevices]

So the two timers should evaluate to different priorities.

Any thoughts on that? Do I miss something again?
Christian Wieninger May 23, 2006, 6:32 p.m. UTC | #5
Am Dienstag, 23. Mai 2006 18:30 schrieb Andreas Brugger:
> of the devices (first or last):
> > -  cDevice *d = NULL;
> > +  cDevice *d = device[0]; // or device[numDevices]
> So the two timers should evaluate to different priorities.
> Any thoughts on that? Do I miss something again?

I think so ;-) because if d is set to first device then

         else if (d && device[i]->Priority() < d->Priority())
            pri = 6; // receiving but priority is lower

the first loop does not match the if condition. It would work if d was 
initially set to the last device. But I don't know if this would make 
problems in any other cases. 

Andreas Brugger May 23, 2006, 8:01 p.m. UTC | #6
Christian Wieninger schrieb:

>Am Dienstag, 23. Mai 2006 18:30 schrieb Andreas Brugger:
>>of the devices (first or last):
>>>-  cDevice *d = NULL;
>>>+  cDevice *d = device[0]; // or device[numDevices]
>>So the two timers should evaluate to different priorities.
>>Any thoughts on that? Do I miss something again?
>I think so ;-) because if d is set to first device then
>         else if (d && device[i]->Priority() < d->Priority())
>            pri = 6; // receiving but priority is lower
>the first loop does not match the if condition. It would work if d was 
>initially set to the last device. But I don't know if this would make 
>problems in any other cases.
Ohhh ... right! I haven't thought that through completely it seems ... 
there is also a problem that the first (or last) device would be 
returned even if the devices doesn't provide the channel.

This isn't as easy as I thought ...
Christian Wieninger May 23, 2006, 9:32 p.m. UTC | #7
Am Dienstag, 23. Mai 2006 22:01 schrieb Andreas Brugger:
> This isn't as easy as I thought ...

no it isn't ;-) But I think my patch should solve the problem. At least it 
works fine here. So let's see what Klaus is thinking of it (if he is reading 



--- device.c.orig	2006-05-19 17:18:40.000000000 +0200
+++ device.c	2006-05-20 08:26:37.000000000 +0200
@@ -282,6 +282,7 @@ 
   cDevice *d = NULL;
   int select = INT_MAX;
+  int priStep = MAXPRIORITY+1;
   for (int i = 0; i < numDevices; i++) {
       bool ndr;
@@ -290,21 +291,21 @@ 
          if (device[i]->Receiving() && !ndr)
             pri = 0; // receiving and allows additional receivers
          else if (!device[i]->Receiving(true) && d && device[i]->ProvidesCa(Channel) < d->ProvidesCa(Channel))
-            pri = 1; // free and fewer Ca's
+            pri = priStep; // free and fewer Ca's
          else if (!device[i]->Receiving() && !device[i]->HasDecoder())
-            pri = 2; // free and not a full featured card
+            pri = 2*priStep; // free and not a full featured card
          else if (!device[i]->Receiving() && device[i] != ActualDevice())
-            pri = 3; // free and not the actual device
+            pri = 3*priStep; // free and not the actual device
          else if (!device[i]->Receiving() && !device[i]->IsPrimaryDevice())
-            pri = 4; // free and not the primary device
+            pri = 4*priStep; // free and not the primary device
          else if (!device[i]->Receiving())
-            pri = 5; // free
-         else if (d && device[i]->Priority() < d->Priority())
-            pri = 6; // receiving but priority is lower
+            pri = 5*priStep; // free
+         else if ((d && device[i]->Priority() < d->Priority()) || device[i]->Priority() < Priority)
+            pri = 6*priStep + device[i]->Priority(); // receiving but priority is lower
          else if (d && device[i]->Priority() == d->Priority() && device[i]->ProvidesCa(Channel) < d->ProvidesCa(Channel))
-            pri = 7; // receiving with same priority but fewer Ca's
+            pri = 7*priStep; // receiving with same priority but fewer Ca's
-            pri = 8; // all others
+            pri = 8*priStep; // all others
          if (pri <= select) {
             select = pri;
             d = device[i];